eight • sexy drug

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Chris's POV

Raven walked out of the house and ...

Well damn.

She looked so damn sexy in the bathing suit - well, it looked more like lingerie than swimming gear. She had a black and purple striped bikini that somewhat showed off her nice ass, and her cleavage was popping out of the top.

Ricky's mouth had fallen open. I immideitly got defensive and growled, "Rick."

He blinked and looked away quickly. Angelo looked up from his phone, which he'd been on since Raven had gotten here. He hadn't caught sight of her yet, but he would soo-

"RAVEN!" He screamed.

"Oh my god, Ange!"

I wish I would've gotten that reaction.

Angelo and Raven embraced, and TJ asked, "do you guys know each other?"

"Yeah," Angelo said. "We used to go to highschool together. Chris, it's Raven!"

"I know," I replied. "I remember her, dummy."

Balz furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, Chris and Ange, you guys knew that sexy girl, and you guys made no move? Ever?"

Oh, I've made plenty of moves. And don't call her sexy.

Raven giggled. "Well, not exactly. Angelo and I have always been friends, but Chris over here ..."

"Ooh!" The guys all teased.

I rolled my eyes. "We were seventeen. We made mistakes."

I regretted those words as soon as they left my mouth. Nothing that happened when we younger were mistakes. I regret nothing. In fact, I wish that it was still like it was when we were seventeen right now.

I could see the hurt in her eyes. "Yeah. Mistakes."

"Not like tha-" I started to protest, but Raven leapt into the pool gracefully, going underwater so she couldn't hear me. I sighed and Ricky glared at me.

She arose from the water, her hair pushed back and water dripping from her face. She was so beautiful, the evening light illuminating her face perfectly.

Ricky came over to me and whispered in my ear, "she's beautiful, but I know you like her. So, I'm not gonna make a move. But you need too."

I shook my head and whispered back, "I can't. There's so much of our past you wouldn't understand."

"You can and you will."

Ricky walked over to the pool and jumped back in. Soon, everyone was in except for me and Devin. He glanced at me, as if asking my permission. I shrugged and stood up, making him do the same. I removed my shirt and walked to the edge of the pool.

I saw Raven glanced at my tattoos and admire my abdomen. I laughed quietly. It was only fair for her to be able to check me out. I was doing the same to her.

Raven swam up to me once I was in the water. She looked at me and muttered, "if we go out to dinner, promise it won't be weird?"

"Why would it be?" I question.

"Oh, maybe it'll be a mistake. Maybe I should just stay home."

"I didn't mean it like that, birdy."

"Don't bring back the old, corny, nicknames, Chris."

"I wouldn't have to bring them back if you wouldn't have left."

Once again, I regretted my words. This time, it was so much more painful. Raven shut her eyes tightly, as she always used to do before she cried. Before I could apologize, Raven was swimming away towards Ricky.

I fucked up everything.

This is back in present time btw. If it doesn't have a year at the top, it's present time.
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
586 words

raven's song {chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now