Couldn't Be Awoken Up; Soaked Up

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Stick your head out

Drink an orange juice; throw a plane

Have no doubt, don’t pout

When, in a red jeepney—splashes rain—

Drinking cold orange juice, with dame

Trembling motor; butt’s pain

But, you stupid; you don’t have dame

You only have malodorous; fat

Seating passengers, tightening you, lame

Stick your head out; out the what?

Out the jeepney’s window

Names of sari-sari stores; see that?

Unfortunately, before tomorrow,

(Can’t lend an ear!)

All will quickly drown to sorrow


Raining, ‘ya hear?

Plok, plok, plok, plok

Beating drums at the top, dear

 Plokoplokplok, plokoplokplok

Raining hard; drink juice, (lies!)

Be calm; listen to plok, plok


God Almighty, bear with my cries!

Jeep I’m seating in, drowning;

Rising dirty water, old woman dies…!

My near death, am I dreaming?

I’m just here; drinking juice, orange one

But now…………..*thinking*

Plok, plok, blob, blob, “swim!” “run!”

Gulp, blup, gulp, gulp, plok., gulp

*My*, blob, gulp, *life’s*, gulp, *done*

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