Daylight Is So Close

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The bell rings signalling the end of the school day. I was walking out the front gate when I hear Peter call my name.
"Hey Chance" I turn around, and see him running over to me.
"I know you were really upset at lunch and I honestly hate seeing you like that. So I started talking to MJ and Ned and we figured that we could have a sleepover, look Chance I know things mustn't be the best for you at the moment so I would really like to do this, for you" he finished.

He wants to have a sleepover just for me? It would take my mind off of my mum, and I mean it's Peter. Ugh Chance why do you have to be so damn complicated. And that's why I can't go.
"Look Peter, thank you so much, but I-" he gives me a look, Peter really wants me to go huh. "You know what, I'll come, it'll be really good for me to spend time with my favourite people"
"R-really?" He stutters.
"Really, I guess I'll talk to you later then, dork" I nudge him and hop in my sisters car.

"Who was that?" She asks
"Oh that was Peter" she gives me the devil grin
"Oh okay, Peter hmm, guess I'll have to remember that one"
"Why would you have to remember him Ash?" I question.
"Oh nothing, just something tells me you probably won't shut up about him, am I right?"
"No, you're not, are you insinuating something Ashley?"
"No No, just, I know your type Chance, and Peter seems like he's that type. Dorky, also he is kinda hot I guess. Am I right about that?" She asks again. I hate her honestly, she knows I can't lie to her because I'm just not like that. Over time she's figured out how to ask the right questions.
"I hate you" I reply
"I knew it, Ugh I know you to well child, now, do you have a crush on him or is it one of those things where you just think he's cute as of now?"
"I think I might have a crush on him Ash, he just makes me feel like, I don't know how to explain it, everytime I see him I get butterflies, he's such a great person and I honestly don't know who I'd be if it wasn't for him"
"Sounds really cliche, which you thrive off of, Chance I'm so happy for you". She pulls me into a tight hug before parking the car in the car lot and waking into our apartment.

I take off my shoes and walk into my room, flop onto my bed and get a text from Peter.
Dork- hi so are you ok with the sleepover being Saturday night?
Me- yess, mj and ned are cool with it right?
Dork- yep, I'm really excited, mostly because I know this will really cheer you up
Me- aww peter, your so nice wow. Thank  u so much, you don't know how much this means to me
Dork- you're** (sorry, it annoys me so much when people do that lolol) but you deserve it, You really do Chance
Me- you really are a dork lmaoo, but honestly you'RE gonna make me cry, in a good way lol, happy tears, I don't know anyone who'd do this for me
Dork- nah, Idk why but I just really hate seeing people be so sad, I went through that once and I don't want anyone to ever feel that
Me- Peter you're actually such a genuinely nice guy and you deserve the world
Dork- nah, you're the one who deserves the world Chance
Me- I'm actually gonna cry wow
Dork- can you go back to calling me a dork now before the tears start coming out?
Me- okay dOrK.

Peter and I talked on the phone for so long. It was ridiculous. I really like that boy huh, he's just so cute, I've never met anyone like him. I'm just so mad at myself for developing a crush, why him. I know that he won't like me back in that way. It's still fun to be cliche though I guess. I just want to know if he likes me, I wanna know so bad. Ugh Peter Parker, why do you do this to me.

Me- I'm actually so tired lmao, my phone is about to fall on my face because my eyes keep closing
Dork- omg me too, I'm exhausted.
Me- mood
Dork- goodnight Chance, hope u have a good sleep ;)
Me- Goodnight Peter Parker

I sit my phone down on the bedside table and roll over. My eyes slowly shutting, watching my head fall deeper into my pillow through my eyelashes. My thoughts drift off with the clouds in the midnight sky. Daylight is so close.

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