A Strange Awakening

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I shoot up from my bed, sweat dripping from my forehead. I've been having these dreams for days now, the same concept. I'm always turning into a snake. Red flashes always following. First I was falling, and just turning into the snake, but now, everytime I turn into it I crave being human.

It's weird, a foretelling of my future according to my therapist, maybe I should get a new one, she's pretty nutso. I've been shutting myself out from everyone and everything recently, I feel bad for Peter especially, I know it breaks his heart but I can't help it.

River and I are still friends, JUST friends, contrary to popular belief I still have strong feelings for Peter. These dreams have just been getting to me, I was watching a documentary about snakes the other day, and I passed out, I don't know why I just, did. It's been one strange week.

Oh and to make things even more stressful, the decathlon is going on that D.C trip tomorrow, me included. Also the whole Spider-Man thing has been stressing me out, apparently I care that much about Peter Parker that it gives me a weird twitch in my eye whenever I see something on the news about our "Friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man".

I reach over to my bedside table and check the time on my phone, it's 3:00am. I decide to go outside to the kitchen and get something to drink. The peach iced tea looks really tempting, I swig some out of the bottle and walk over to the window sill in our living room, open it and hop onto the ladder that stands outside of it.

The cool breeze tickles my face as I stare into the city skyline, filled with endless amounts of tall buildings and skyscrapers. I feel my phone vibrate in my hand and I check it, it's a text from Peter.

Dork:look in front of u

I look in front of me and see nothing, I squint a little to see if I can get a better view and I spot a silhouette of a figure hanging upside down on a string of web on the building in front of me. I know exactly who it is.

Me:get over here insect

He swigs over to where I'm standing and rips his mask of, revealing a very sweaty Peter.
"I believe the correct term is arachnid" he speaks in a matter of fact tone.
"Yea okay dork"

He grabs my chin with his hand and I push it away while looking down at my feet.
"Oh I-I'm sorry" he frantically apologises
"No, no don't be sorry, it's me, I've be-"

Out of the corner of my eye I see a huge flash of purple that lights up the whole block, followed by a huge bang. Peter looks at me and I look at him.
"I gotta-"
"Go" I reply

He swings off into the distance and I race into my room, and hide under the covers in my bed. It's hot under here but I start to get tired of hearing my own breathing and I drift off.

I'm on top of a bridge, and it starts to rumble and collapse. I fall through into a dark ally way, a flash of white and purple crosses my eyes and suddenly I'm flung back. I look at my own body right in front of me slowly dissipate into nothingness.

I scream, so loud that my lungs shake and beg for air, so loud that I feel the vibrations rip at my throat. But no sound came out. I fall backwards and I'm now slithering into a dark hallway. I hear voices, one is a man with a deep voice, and another, I've heard that one before, Tony Stark.

"We need to train him"
"He's just a kid"
"A kid with extraordinary abilities, name anyone else that can do that Stark"
"We're not training him, I can't do that to another kid, not now that I have Parker under my belt"
"So you're just gonna leave him like that, confused and helpless"

"He is not confused and helpless Fury, if you recruit him, we're basically raising him like a pig for slaughter"
"That is not the plan-"
"The plan? What is this? He is a 15 year old, not a soldier, get that through your mind"

Tony storms out and slams the door, everything warps into one like a kaleidoscope and I'm thrown once again, into a web. I'm trying to squirm out but I can't, I try and find my arms but all I see is a long, scaled tail. I try and bite my way out with my fangs and I succeed.

I'm falling again, kinda getting tired of this, my face comes inches from the ground as I open my slitted eyes wide and flashes of red spiral into my vision.

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