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Peter and I crawl through the window and he takes off his suit. My eyes instantly travel down to his god given abs. I lick my lips and he laughs.
"What?" I ask pushing his shoulder
"Nothing" he chuckles. I roll my eyes and sit on his bed as he puts on a shirt.
"What do you wanna do? May will be home in about two hours" he says
"I don't know, do you wanna watch a movie?" I ask
"Yea" he reply's as we walk out into the living room.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asks as he grabs a blanket a scoots up next to me.
"Harry Potter?" I reply
"Perfect, which one?"
"Prisoner of Azkaban, that's my favourite" I say and he puts it on. He puts his head on my shoulder as we watch it. My hand closes around his and he looks up at me. I felt that magical pull again and he leans in. His lips tangle with mine and his tongue slips into my mouth. He then picks me up and puts me on the couch so I'm laying flat on my back.

My arms are around his neck and he's on top of me, still making out. He takes my hands off of his neck and pulls them so they're above my head, he then entwines his fingers in mine as we kiss. He starts going faster and I feel him grind up against me. He brushes his fingers slowly down my arms and kisses my neck. I grab his hair and a moan escapes my lips.

He looks back up at me, smiling. He takes my bottom lip and bites it
"I'm so lucky" he says as he sits back up and I lay on his thigh
"Why" I ask as he plays with my hair
"Because I have you"

I hear the door open and May's voice sounds
"Boys I'm home" she calls
"Hey May!" Peter says as he gets up to go greet her. I follow him into the kitchen area.
"Hello Chance" she says as she pulls me into a hug.
"Hey May" I reply going out of the hug.
"I was thinking we could go to that Chinese restaurant down the street for dinner" she explains
"Yeah that would be great, Chance?" Peter directs his gaze to me.
"Oh yes, that would be lovely" I say as I look back at Peter.

"Well I'll go take a shower then we'll go" May says as she walks into the bathroom.
"Oh shoot, Peter, the shower won't turn on, can you come in here please" I hear her shout from the bathroom.
"Sure thing May" Peter calls back as he steps in.

Third person:
Peter walks into the bathroom and sees May standing by the shower.
"What's the problem?" He asks
"Oh there's no problem, I just needed a word with you"
"Did I do something wrong?" Peter asks, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Oh no sweetie, I can tell you really like Chance, and I know you've never told me but I'm fine with anything you know that right? Gay, Bi, I don't mind. Now I don't want this to be one of those sappy things because it's just normal you know. It's like if a kid told their parents they were straight. They should love them regardless" May heartedly explains as she puts her hands on Peters shoulders.

"Chance is one of the most lovely boys I've ever met, I've always admired him. He has a good heart and he's been through a hell of a lot. I guess the worst things happen to the best people. Have you told him about the um" she trails off.
"Yes I've told him, or he figured it out, it didn't take him that long too" Peter tells her.
"That boy is smart, do you like him Pete?" She asks him.
"Yeah I do May, a lot, and he likes me too"
"This is just melting my heart" she fake cries

"Don't let him go Pete, you both are so good for each other"
"Trust me I won't may, now is that all" Peter asks
"Yes that's all, go put on something decent" she says as she brushes Peter out of the Bathroom.

Normal P.O.V:
I see Peter come out of the bathroom, I already sat back on the couch.
"Did you fix it?" I laugh
"Yeah" he replies
"Handy man" I get up from the couch and peck him on the cheek.
"I gotta go put something decent on" he says as he walks in his room. I follow him in. He takes his shirt off, puts a checkered shirt on and a blue sweater over it.

"Pants? I say as I laugh at the sight of him with a nice top and boxers at the bottom.
"Oh right" he says as he fumbles for some pants and puts them on. He sprays some cologne on, takes my hand and leads me out of the room into the kitchen. May walks out of the bathroom with a nice white shirt and mom jeans with transparent glasses on her face.
"You look really nice May" I say
"Thank you Chance, at least Chance compliments me" she playfully states as she grabs her keys and shoots Peter a look.
"What I-" he shrugs his shoulders and gives a confused look which was kinda hot.

We arrive at the restaurant and I pick a booth, I slide in and Peter sits right next to me, our elbows touching. We order our food and get our drinks.

"How is your Sister?" May asks me
"She's doing good, she has A lot of work though"
"I could imagine, I'm so glad she's doing Med school"
"Yeah she loves it, she says the stress is her secret to being skinny" I laugh and so does May and Peter. At this our food arrives. Once we were done eating Peter asks if May and I wanted desert.

"It's on me, come on"
"Chance take the offer, it's free food babe" May jokes as she asks for The tiramisu.
"What do you want, just come up with me" Peter says as he grabs my hand and yanks me out of the booth. We walk up to the counter and he puts in May's order, he looks at me.
"Look, if I get the chocolate nachos will you share with me?" He asks
"Yeah okay" I say and he pays

"Why do they have nachos if it's a Chinese restaurant?" I ask
"That's what gets me too" May replies.
The deserts come over and I eat the Nachos with Peter.

"Well I am stuffed" May says as she opens the door and walks into the apartment.
"Me too, thank you so much May, you didn't have to do that" I tell her
"You don't have to thank me, I'll do anything for you sweetie, just as if you were my own" she ruffles my hair
"I am going to take these jeans off and try to go to bed, you two should do the same considering you have school tomorrow" she says.
"Yea, I'm super tired" I hear Peter say. It has been one hell of a day. The beach, swinging around New York, kissing Peter, going out for dinner.

May walks into her room and Peter and I walk into his.
"Do you mind if I take a shower?" I ask
"No not at all, mines just through that door there" he says as he points at a blue door.
I walk in and turn the shower on, undress and hop in. The warm water hits my face. Oh my god. I actually kissed him. Twice. He actually likes me too. What world am I living in? And he's Spider-Man? So much has just happened in one day. What if he wants to date me though? I'm not ready for a relationship yet, yet alone dating Spider-Man.

All these thoughts rush through my head and I turn off the shower. I get dressed into some of Peters clothes because I was stupid and forgot my own. I walk out the door and see Peter working on one of his Web shooters. Wow he looks really hot when he's concentrating.

"Hey, showers free" I say as I stand beside him, watching him work.
"Yep, I'll finish this tomorrow" he says as he gets up and heads towards the shower.
I hop onto his bed and get under the covers. I was just watching random videos on my phone when he walks back in, hair wet and wearing nothing but his underwear.

"I hope you don't mind, it's just really comfortable" he says
"I don't mind at all" I reply, my eyes travelling to his huge bulge. I snap out of it and lock my phone. He crawls into bed beside me.

"Goodnight" I say as I roll over facing the wall and put my earphones in. Two songs in I hear Peters voice call.
"Hey Chance?"
"Yeah?" I reply taking my earphones out
"Did you want to um, I don't know, cuddle?" He asks nervously.
"Of course" I say as I scoot closer to him. He wraps his arm around me and cuddles me into his chest. My hand rests on his abs, I take my legs and tangle them with his. I feel something hard touch my thigh. I look up at Peter and he blushes. I laugh and burry my head in his chest again.

"Chance?" I hear him say
"We should do this more often" he laughs
"Yes Parker, Yes we should" I laugh back. His hand plays through my hair and it calms me. I feel so safe, like nothing in this world can harm me. My eyes close and before I know it I'm asleep.

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