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I walk up the stairs and through my front door. Ash is sitting at the kitchen table doing work for school, her long dark brown hair platted to the side.
"Hey hoe, how was the sleepover?" She asks, her nose still buried in her computer
"It was a lot of fun actually"
"That's good, I'm glad you had a good time"
"Um Ash, is it okay if I stay at Peters again tonight? we'll just walk to school tomorrow" I nervously ask.

She looks up from her computer, pushing up her glasses and scrunching her nose. She pauses for a moment.
"I can't drive tonight Chance, I have to much work and I will not let you walk alone, I'm sorry" she states.
"Peter can pick me up, it's no big deal, please Ash, you need to work anyway, I'll be out of your hair tonight, please Ash" I whine
"Is Peters Aunt okay with this?"
"Yes, May's completely fine with it"
"Okay fine" she agrees

"Yess, I'll just pack some new clothes and text Peter" I say as I walk to my room. I take off Peters hoodie and throw on a black Reebok shirt. I really like that hoodie, I'll steal it and wear it tomorrow at school. I pull out my phone and text Peter.

Me: hey when are u gonna pick me up?
Dork: whenever you're ready :)
Me: 5 minutes?
Dork: yep, just walk to the corner store, I'll pick u up there ;)
Me: okie :)

I put the clothes in my backpack along with my school books and walk into the kitchen to say bye to Ashley.
"I'm leaving now"
"Okay, please be safe, don't get shot by weird men is masks and use a Condom" she shouts as I walk out the door
"Oh my lord Ashley, you need Jesus!" I shout back.

I walk to the corner store like Peter said and text him.
Me: hey I'm here
As soon as I send it I see a certain hero in red and blue swing my way.
"Hello sir, here to take a ride?" He says with a fake deep voice, chest puffed out.
"You're such a dork" I laugh. He puts his arm under my leg and pulls me into his hips, holding me up as I put my arms around his neck.
"Not this again" I say as he shoots a web to a building and yanks us up into the air.

"Ohhh myy goddd I'll never get used to thissss!" I scream as we swing across the city. The wind rushes through my hair as I look out at the beautiful city behind me. It was 5:00 in the afternoon and the sun was just starting to set.
"Lets go to a rooftop and watch the sunset again!" I shout over the wind.

We swing to a cute little rooftop with greenery and fairy lights everywhere. He takes his mask off and looks at me. The sun was sinking into the horizon as he stares at me with his dark brown eyes, the golden light casting an unmistakable glow across both of us.

"Peter, I need to confess something" I blurt out
"I think I do too" He reply's back, still not taking his gaze off of me.
"You first" I say
"I um, I, jeez how do I say this? I l- like you, a lot. You just have something about you that's irresistible, you're confident, and not afraid to speak your mind. You're so talented and intelligent, and well, really cute" he confesses as he rubs his neck and blushes, taking his gaze away from mine.

"You just took the words right out of my mouth Peter Parker, I really like you too" I reveal
"R-really" he stutters
"Yes really, you make me feel so safe, you were there for me when I actually thought I was gonna die, you were there for me when I had my anxiety attack. You're always there for me, and I'll always be there for you, not to mention you're really hot too" I utter.

His gaze goes back to me again, this time there's a look in his eyes, he licks his lips. The sun fully starts to set now, the fairy lights around us flicker on. I feel an instant drop in my stomach. Butterflies start to swarm around in it. My breathing becomes heavy and my heart pounds in my chest. This is it. The cliche moment I've always dreamt of. I feel that instant pull, and those fireworks that set off and that electro magnetic charge. I start to walk towards Peter. Our faces now inches apart. He puts his arms around my hips and pulls me even closer. I feel them tense around me. He tilts his head to the left and I tilt mine to the right. My arms wrap around his neck as his lips wrap into mine.

That's when everything stopped. The butterflies flew away, my breathing became normal and all the worries washed away. It was just me and Peter. He glides his hands up my body and places them on my cheeks, his tongue licks my bottom lip and I let him kiss me harder, his tongue explores my mouth, I let him have all the dominance. His hands find their way up to my hair and he plays with it. Fireworks set off in my mind. This was the safest I've ever felt. When I'm with him I feel loved, I feel so special.

I pull away, the sun was gone and there was only a faint orange tinge cast across the city. He places his hands back around my hips and I burry my head in his chest. He was only a few inches taller than me but that was enough. We stood there like that for about 15 seconds.

"Thank you" I whisper
"What for?"
"For being you, you bring the sweeter into my life, as cliche as it sounds, just thank you for making me feel so special and safe"
"I will always be here for you Chance, as cliche as it sounds, I know you love cliche things though"
"Yeah, yeah I do" I laugh.
"Let's head home" he says as he picks me up again, my head still in his chest.

We swing across the city again, I will never not be impressed of how beautiful this city is at night. We get to his apartment and go in through the window.

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