Hide n seek

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"Chance you mind explaining to me how this happened?" Ash asks as she puts gauze around my burn.
"I was just walking to get snacks and some guys in masks attacked me with this magic staff thing, but Spider-Man got there just in time, that's why I came home through the window, I couldn't climb up the stairs"
"You gotta be careful next time Chance, god you could've died"
"That's why we have Spider-Man Ash" I reply, looking her up and down 

"Okay, calm down with that sass, and there, it's done"
"Thanks Ashley"
"Don't tell me you're still going to that sleepover?"
"Ash I've been looking forward to this, it will cheer me up so much, please" I plead
"Whatever, That Peter kid better take care of you"
"He will Ash, don't worry" I reassured her.
"Come on, it's like 5:30 already, go pack and I'll drive you there" Ash says as she ruffles my hair.

The car comes to a halt outside of Peters apartment building.
"Call or text me if there's any trouble okay?"
"Will do"
"I love you hoe"
"Love you to hoe" I say as Ash gives me a big hug.
I message Peter to tell him I'm outside, he comes out of the building and greets me.
"Hey Chance, what how's your arm?"
"What?" I say with a confused look on my face.
"Oh, um, ah I meant what happened to your arm? Sorry"
"I burnt it..." I trail off, how did Peter know about my arm when I only saw him just now today.

"Would you like to come in?" He asks
"Yea, yea sure" I reply with a warm smile. We walk through Peters apartment door and I'm greeted by his Aunt.
"Hi, Chance is it? Wow how lovely to meet you, very up to the standards I had from all that talking Peter has done about you" she pulls me into a hug and Peter blushes a little.
"Nice to meet you Mrs Parker" I reply
"Nonsense, call me May" she says playfully hitting my shoulder.
"Hey May, Chance and I are gonna go into the room, Pizza for dinner right?"
"Mhmn, go, go. Don't have to much fun" she giggles

We walk into Peters room, a nice bunk bed sat by the window with a desk on the right wall and a few posters scattered here and there.
"Ned and MJ will be here in half an hour, what do you wanna do?"
"Um, I don't know"
"I have an idea, quick come on" he takes my hand and leads me out of his room and before I know it I'm at the front door.
"May we're just heading outside" Peter calls
"Okay" May calls back. Peter leads me up the stairs and onto the roof. We got there at the perfect moment, just as the sun started setting. Colours of Deep, blazed orange and yellow painted the late afternoon sky, streaks of purple and pink cascaded through out the clouds.
"Wow Peter this is beautiful" I stare up at the sunset as we walk forward to the edge, and we sit down.
"You like it?" He asks
"How can you not"

He turns his head and stares at me, his brown eyes staring right into my green ones. He licks his lips a little, his hand edging towards mine. Little pops started happening in my stomach, like fireworks cracking on the Fourth of July. His fingers play through mine before they entwine. I look back at the sunset, the still cool December breeze blissfully wades through each of my hair stands.
"This is a moment I'll remember forever" I say, still in awe of the sunset, the city lights starting to come through.
"It feels so right to be sharing it with you Peter"
"I was thinking the exact same thing" I see a pair of headlights come right in front of the building.
"That must be them" I say
"Yep" Peter helps me up and we both walk back down to the bottom floor to let Mj and Ned in.

"Hey dude" Peter exclaims as he does his weird handshake thing with Ned.
"Hey nerd... s" Mj pulls me into a hug and raises an eyebrow to Peter. We walk back into the Apartment and into Peters room. Mj and I talk amongst ourselves for a bit while Peter and Ned build this Star Wars Lego thing. I told her about the sunset scenario.
"Chance, I feel like he really likes you" she whispers as she grabs my hand.
"Don't tell anyone but I like him, a lot, but what if he doesn't MJ, then I'll look like an idiot"
"Trust me, Chance, I know what it looks like when Peter has a crush, I'm an observer, he has one on you. Ever since he laid eyes on you I could tell something changed within him. He's been happier, I feel like you have too. All I'm saying is that, if you like him, tell him Chance, take a Chance, see what I did there" she laughs.
"I will, in time, I just have to really see it first"

Peters door opens and May brings in four boxes of Pizza.
"Here you go, eat up" she says as she hands us one each and walks back out. We sat there and ate pizza and talked until everyone was done.
"Oh my god Chance your arm, what happened?" Ned asks concerned.
"Oh I just burnt it" I reply.
"What do you guys wanna do?" Peter hops up from the floor where he sat to the bed next to me.
"What about hide and seek, in the dark?" Mj suggests.
"Yea I'm down" I reply "not it though"
"Not it!" Peter yells
"Not it!" Mj seconds as she looks at Ned.
"Ugh fine, I'll count in the bathroom" Ned sighed. We all turned the lights off and found a place to hide. I hid behind a chair in the living room.

After three rounds I was in. I found Ned first behind a door, Mj second and Peter third.
"Ned your in again" I say as he goes to the bathroom to count.
"Chance, come hide with me" I hear Peter say as he takes my hand and drags me into his room.
"Up here" he says as he climbs up his ladder and onto the top bunk. I follow him and end up tripping on the second last latter, falling on top of him.
"Shit, sorry" I apologise, but before I could get up I hear Ned open the bathroom door and call ready or not. Peter pulls me into a tight hug so we're facing sideways and pulls the blanket over us. He has his hand over my mouth and his arm under me, with my legs over his hips so we're kind of spooned. He has really good biceps, which I never would've figured since I don't think he even knows what a gym is. He slowly removes his hand from my mouth and places it so he's holding my hand. Our faces were about an Inch apart, our lips so close to one another. We lay there still for about 15 seconds until he takes his hand out from mine and puts it to my lips. We both close our eyes and lean forward, our lips just touching now, my breathing becomes heavier as his top lip slides under mine. All of a sudden I feel a rip of the blanket and a yell of "found you".

Me and Peter instantly separate at these words and I start fake laughing to defuse the situation. So close, yet so far. After the whole Hide and seek thing we went into the living room to watch a movie. We were watching "The Empire Strikes Back" but I was barely paying attention since I saw it so many times because my sister was obsessed with it when we were younger. I was sitting on the very edge of the couch when Peter scoots towards me.
"Would you like some popcorn?" He asks
"Um no thanks..." my eyes start to droop and I rub them as I yawn
"Hey, would you like me to set up the bed in my room for you, I know you had a tough day... shit" I hear him whisper under his breath, but I'm to tired to care.
"Yes please" I say as my eyes start to open and close
"Hey, let me carry you into the room, you can barely keep your eyes open" I hear Peter say and I nod. I feel one of his arms slide under my legs and the other around my back as he starts to carry me to his room. Apparently not even breaking a sweat.
"Here you go" he says as he lays me down on the bed and pulls the blanket over me.
"Thank you Pete, for everything, I mean it" I slur a little.
"It's my job, don't thank me" he says.
"Goodnight" I say as I can no longer keep my eyes open.
"Goodnight Chance" he says as he kisses my forehead.
"I will always be here to protect you, and look after you, you might not know it yet but you will. I will be here when you're sick or when you just have had enough. Or even when you don't want me to, I'll be there. Goodnight Chance" The bright city lights twinkle outside in the frost. And the sweetest of dreams fell upon me that night.

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