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"How old is the new DS anyway? He looks very young."

"Why would he transfer from London?"

"I heard he was on track to becoming a DI soon."

"His accent makes me think he's American!"

"Apparently his specialty is cybercrime."

I sighed softly to myself as I sat down at my desk. I'm sure all this chatter will blow over soon. I hope. God forbid anyone finds out my Father was an MI6 Agent or my Mother was a United States Interpol Agent...

"Murray is that report ready?" DS Miller asked me.

"Yes, ma'am I put it on DI Hardy's desk last night." I replied softly.

"Oh. That was quick." She said surprised.

I shrugged softly and logged into my computer.

"Have you found a place yet?" Miller asked me.

I sighed. "Not yet. I have a lot I'm working on. I still don't even have my badge yet."

Miller looked confused. "But you've been here for almost 2 weeks now."

"Yeah, I know." I muttered.

"Murray. My Office. Now." DI Alec Hardy said to me as he walked past my desk.

"Got it." I said and followed him.

After the door closed Hardy gestured for me to sit down. I obeyed. "Your badge is here." he said handing it to me. He sighed. "I have a few questions for you."

I figured this conversation was going to come sooner or later. "Sure."

"Your file from Scotland Yard doesn't say much about when you were shot a year ago." He said.

"It was- extremely classified at the time, Sir. I was working with my Father an MI6 Agent on catching a dark web hacker." I replied.

"Your Father works with MI6?" Hardy said.

"Yeah, he used to. My Mother used to work with Interpol as well." I replied.

"Agent Quinn Murray?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah did you know him?" I asked

"Worked with him once a long time ago. He's doing well then? Didn't realize he had a son. I knew he had a daughter." Hardy admitted.

"Um- not really no. He died during that case." I said.

Hardy leaned back. "Why Broadchuch?" He asked changing the subject.

Lying to your boss isn't great but I don't think I can admit the real reason yet. "Dad loved it here. Even asked to be buried here. Besides I needed a change of pace." To be fair this isn't a lie lie just not the real truth.

"Right, get me a list of places that use paper bags in the nearby area." He said and stood up. "Miller!"

"I'll get right on it." I said softly.


"Dad you know I'm still worried about these threats you're getting from-" He cut me off and ruffled my hair.

"Finn for the last time I get threats all the time." He said.

I moved his hand off my head. "Dad please I'm not a kid."

"Besides, we almost have his location right?"

"Yes but-" I started.


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