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"Oh thank fuck I'm in completely dry clothing." I said softly and started to clean up my room. I should get some more suits though. They are both dirty now. I mean I'm in my pajamas because of this.

There was a knock on my door. I quietly grabbed my gun and opened the door.

"Kid it's just me." Hardy said. "Do you have a permit for that."

I lowered the gun. "Yes, here it is." I said grabbing the permit from the drawer I had it in. I locked the gun away.

Hardy gave me back the permit and looked around.

"You don't have much stuff do you." He said looking at the closet with the one box full of mementos.

"It's a habit. Living in two different countries and all." I said.

He nodded and grabbed the box. "Pack your clothes then. You're staying with me."

"Sir please I can take care of myself." I pleaded.

"You pointed a gun at me." He said walking away with my box.

I have been a bit on edge but that was a totally reasonable response! Right? I sighed. I guess I'll pack my stuff then.


After dropping off my suits at the dry cleaners I was trying to settle into Hardy's guest room. By that I mean I was staring at the contents of my box.

There was a knock on the door.

"Dad says to let you know that dinner is ready." A teenage girl said.

"Oh uh who are you?" I asked.

"Daisy." She said and left me.

"Cool, great I had no idea he had a daughter." I said to myself.

I stared at the dinner. Daisy and Hardy finished already. So Hardy was doing the dishes and Daisy said she was going to do homework. Hardy sighed. "I'll call Miller if you don't start eating that." He said.

"Fine." I said softly. At least it's not fish. Just eat it quick and be done with it. "So you have a daughter." I said.

"Did your Dad never mention that?" He asked.

"No, I didn't know much else about you besides the heart thing." I replied.

"Hmm well he talked about you a lot." Hardy said.

I coughed almost choking on some food. "I didn't know that." I croaked and drank some water.

"Yes, everything from how you started college at 15 to apparently being a guitar player and singing in a Beatles cover band." Hardy said.

I cringed. "He did talk a lot."

Hardy chuckled a little at that. I stood up and washed my dish. "Sorry for being a bother." I mumbled.

Hardy sighed. "Your Father was much more of a bother."

I nodded. "Well, I'm going to finish unpacking."


I stared at the ceiling. My mind wasn't allowing me to sleep. I glanced at my phone. 5 AM might as well get up.

I groaned my shoulder was even worse today. I'll have to deal with that later. I put on a dress shirt and my one extra pair of pants. "No jacket today." I muttered while tying my Dad's old tie.

I walked into the kitchen. It was empty. Everyone is still asleep then. I walked into the living room and looked at the books. "These are all boring books" I whispered to myself and grabbing a random one.

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