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Summer is finally over. Maybe people will stop asking if I'm a tourist. Probably not but one can hope. Besides the fact that I'm still at the hotel I've mostly settled in. Got a car. Miller helped me a bit with that. People at the station are mostly over me being "The New Weird American Guy". The Key situation has gotten nowhere though. Besides the fact it's old.

"Do you have time to watch my kids again on Saturday?" Miller asked.

I looked up from my report. "Mmm sure anything to get out of my hotel room."

"You still haven't found a place then?" She asked.

"No all the apartments... Er I mean flats are not that great and I don't want the upkeep of a whole house." I replied.

"But you can afford a house?" Ellie said.

"Yes, the lack of my workaholic parents means I have a lot of disposable income." I joked.

"That's one way of putting it. You can just say you're rich." She commented.

"Why do you think I refuse money for babysitting your kids..." I muttered.

"I heard that." She quipped.

"Murray. My Office." Hardy said.

"Got it." I chirped.

"You've been a bit slower the past few days." Hardy said after I closed the door and sat down.

"Sorry, Sir I don't have any excuse." I said while rubbing the key.

"That whole key thing is distracting you isn't it?" He said.

I was able to get my work done before looking into the key for a while but it's been distracting me much more recently. "Yes it is I'll stop looking into it during work hours Sir."

Hardy sighed. "You're one of the few good detectives around here Murray. Stay that way."

"Of course Sir." I said and stood up.

"One more thing Murray." Hardy said and stood up as well.

I turned around.

"This tie was your Father's. He left it the last time he visited." He said.

I could tell it was my Dad's favorite plain black tie. Wore it constantly. "Thank you, I was wondering where that one went."


I stared at my Dad's tie while in the bathroom. I'm glad my Dad was also short like me otherwise I wouldn't be able to wear it. It still feels like something I have to grow into. Metaphorically.

I walked back out to see Miller yelling at someone on the phone and Hardy sniffing the milk. They were here late on another big case. Preparing for court I believe.

"Oh, Murray you're still here. Nice tie." Miller said after hanging up the phone. Hardy looked over to me.

"Did you finish-"

I cut him off by putting some paperwork in his hands. "All caught up." I replied.

Hardy looked it over while sipping his tea. I started packing up my things. "Oh Murray, I need you to check in with the IT guy."

It must be because of how busy he and Miller are. "What's it about?" I'd prefer to not walk in blind.

"Some sort of security thing." He said.

Walking in blind then. "I'll see him first thing tomorrow morning." I replied.


"Bill?" I said while walking into the IT office.

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