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I awoke to soft beeping and someone snoring softly. Right, I had an asthma attack. One of the worst in a long time. Hardy was sleeping in a chair near me. Well, at least I got some decent sleep for once. I tried sitting up but I was too weak. "Fuck." I mumbled.

Hardy woke up. "Oh, you're awake." He said stretching out in the chair.

"Unfortunately." I groaned.

"I thought you said your asthma was managed." Hardy said standing up.

I was able to sit up this time. "It is. I have no idea what happened." I mumbled.

The doctor walked in. "Well having pneumonia doesn't help." She said.

"Did you do an X-RAY? I don't remember that." I said.

"You were really out of it at the time." Hardy said.

I coughed. "I can't have pneumonia. I can't deal with that right now." I said trying to get up but the doctor pushed me back.

"Well, you are. So rest for now. You could've died." She said.

The doctor pulled Hardy out of the room. I managed to sit up on to the side of the bed. My shoulder was hurting again though. Miller walked in though.

"Finn! You almost died." She exclaimed and pushed me back into bed. I yelped because of my shoulder.

"Oh gosh, your shoulder." She said.

I cursed softly. "Rain isn't great for it but fuck it hasn't been this bad since it was shot."

Hardy walked back in. "Apparently it's infected. The doctor was asking why the bullet wasn't removed."

I sighed. "I hate hospitals..." I muttered. "I was busy catching Max I didn't have time for surgery."

"Well, now it's coming out." Miller said crossing her arms.

"I'm not an idiot it's infected now. Of course, it's coming out." I said.


Apparently I have to wait until the pneumonia runs its course before the surgery. I was able to get discharged for the time being at least. Not that it's much better than this.

"Eat." Miller said.

Hardy was leaning against the kitchen sink watching this all play out.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up if I eat one more bite." I moaned.

"You've had 2 bites." She said.

I started coughing again. "Fine, a few more." I said softly.

I finished the piece of toast. I started standing up.

"The eggs." Ellie said.

"I hate eggs come on." I mumbled trying to shove them in my mouth without throwing up. I threw my head back finally finished.

Miller grabbed the plate handing it to Hardy. "Do you actually hate eggs?" He asked.

"Yes." I groaned. "Any updates with Max."

"No, we're handling that until you're better." Miller said.

I stood up slowly. "Please, I'm begging you I'm so bored." I said before starting to cough again.

Miller led me to the bed. "If you're bored the sleep."


I awoke to soft beeping again. My shoulder felt like it was on fire. I said a slew of curse words. At least the surgery is done now. I looked around the room but I was alone. It's fine Hardy and Miller got some big case.

The door opened it's Daisy? "Don't you have school." I mumbled.

"It's 4 PM." She replied.

"Oh." I said.

She sat down. "You didn't have to come." I said softly.

"The house feels pretty empty without you." She said.

"I would've thought that a lack of me is amazing." I joked.

"Don't push it." She smiled while shaking her head.

"Well, I can't push anything for a bit." I said.

"I don't know you seem to be good at pushing people's buttons still." She said.

"Ah, Maybe so." I said.

AN: Haha I just realized how short this chapter is. Oops.

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