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"Sir please take the money I feel like a freeloader." I said to Hardy.

"No." He said.

"I'll take it." Daisy spoke up.

"Funny." I said sarcastically. "Well I'm leaving it here and if you don't take it it's just going to sit here for a long time." I stood up. "I have to go somewhere. I'll be back in a few hours."

"Don't die." Daisy said.

"Not planning on it." I said.


"Happy Birthday Dad." I said while putting flowers on his grave.

Talking to graves always feels weird but I still do it anyway. "My shoulder is better again. I'm not sure why you wanted me to come out here so badly but-" I sighed. "I guess I'm getting used to it here. I'd like it if Hardy would take rent money though..."

I stared at the grave. Somehow expecting it to respond or something.

I was suddenly hit over the head with something and knocked out.


This was it. I've finally got Max cornered.

"Put down the gun." I said.

"You know killing another Murray would be so easy." Max said while pacing.

"Then do it." I said.

"You've gotten impatient DC Finnegan Murray." He scolded.

"I've never been a patient man." I said.

"Ah, right I forgot your Father was the patient one my mistake." Max said.

"Put down the gun." I repeated.

"I could do that. Or!" He lunged towards me.

I fired.


I woke up restrained to a chair. "There you are finally awake." Said a voice from behind me.

I would recognize that voice anywhere. "If you were hoping I'd be surprised I'm not. Max"

"Oh no I figured that you of all people would have found out. After all, you are the only person to track me down. Twice." He said walking around to face me.

"Kidnapping a DS isn't a great idea. They will know I'm missing." I said.

"Well, not for a while. I'm keeping them busy. Or at least my son is." Max replied.

"YOU have a son?" I asked.

"I know you've heard of him. Before you were taken off his case at least." He said.

"Andrew isn't your son I met the Father." I said.

"You never found out my full name then? Andrew Maxwell Sr. My son was... adopted. After my 'death'." Max said.

I squinted. They did look alike. "Well let's just get this over with. What do you want."

"Oh, I don't want anything. No no, your Father does." He said.

"Very funny. You killed him." I said.

Max walked out of the room ignoring me.


"I don't think a promotion is necessary, Sir." I said.

"Nonsense Murray. You're one of the best detectives we have. It's the least I can do after everything." My boss said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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