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                  A glorious sight beholds itself as the glistening Sun shines down on the town and it's people. The many faces of glee, melancholy, grimace, and annoyance fill the busy streets due to everyone's varying life positions; some people were trying to get home, friends conversing with each other on what their weekend plans are, and families at the park engaging in many activities. Police officer Rachel Lockwood is part of the former section as she had just gotten off her shift and was now on her way home so her mind and body can rest from her day. Continuing her walk home, clouds suddenly fill the sky where thunder crackles shortly thereafter, causing the people down below to moan or say nothing at all concerning the change of weather. Rachel had no problem with this as she continues her walk home, not giving a shit about the instantaneous drops of water coming down on her. An ungodly hour passes before the woman finally arrives at her home, tired as hell and ready to nap her cares away. Her key to her house turns and unlocks the door in front of her before Rachel steps into her home all while putting a hand through her long wet hair as she closed and locked the door.
                 "Ahh, finally. I'm home" Rachel moaned during a stretch she had. When the stretching concluded, as well as wiping her leather boots on her doormat, the police officer soon placed both her hat and boots in the closet. After closing the closet, her moist chocolate eyes catch wind of a set of photos on her wall, one of them being among her favorites. Natalie was only three when she ate an entire row of chocolate lava crunch cakes which left her a gooey chocolate mess. Rachel showed her pride while she held her badass of a daughter with gleaming smiles on both of their faces while a not so happy Nora and Emily were in the background cleaning up her mess. She then goes to the fridge after that trip down memory lane to get some milk only to find none.
               "Shit" Rachel sighs in annoyance before she closes the door and decides to get something else instead. Making her way to the garage, the woman found no soda or wine in the cupboards. Knowing all too well she ran out of that wine pack during the work party she brought them to as well as the soda being here before she left for work, Rachel knew who the mastermind was, wasting no time when she walks up the stairs to Natalie's room. Knocking on the door of her beloved daughter, this is where things truly begin.
               "Nat" Rachel calls out, getting no response.
               "Nat!" The woman's louder call echoes and, again, nothing. Deciding to not play games, Rachel enters her room ready for action. Using her detective powers, she glances around the room and finds no one present. Opening the closet only to see Natalie wasn't there, she then looks under the bed and pulls back the curtains only to not find her there ether. Sitting down on her bed as she contemplates where she could be, she evaluates that she never goes down to the garage unless to find soda or something else she needs, she can't fit anywhere in the kitchen, and she isn't likely to go into her room unless she needs something from her. However, her train of thought was interrupted by a sudden urge of hers. Getting up from her daughter's bed, she soon makes her way to the bathroom, feeling like she can't hold it any longer. Just as Rachel opened the door, however, she was suddenly tackled to the ground by a strong object. A living and breathing object that was clearly who she's looking for and apparently has found her instead.
                    "Surrender, human. You're not finding the all mighty Dew" The child in the helmet spoke in a menacing voice while pinning her mother's hands down. Chuckling, Rachel soon addressed the figure in front of her fearlessly as ever.
                    "Bitch, please. If you drank all that Dew, you'd give me a huge headache, now where is it Natalie?"
                    "Who's this Natalie, human?"
                    "The one who's never drinking soda again if she doesn't tell me where the Dew is?" Sighing in defeat at her mother's sarcasm and threat, she rips off her helmet and throws it where it landed perfectly on her bed.
                    "It's in the bathroom cupboard" Leaning up, Rachel gave Natalie a kiss on her forehead before picking her up and setting the ten year old on her bed.
                    "If you're lying, it won't be pretty" Rachel says with a stern look before closing the bathroom door as soon as she entered the area. It's not that she would hurt Natalie in any way, shape, or form but rather she would take something away from her or put her in timeout to punish her bad behavior. Natalie waited to see her reaction to what she did and hoped it didn't involve her losing Mountain Dew for life. It's not her fault Mountain Dew is amazing! Walking into her daughter's room right after her bathroom visit, Rachel set the 12 pack down near her school desk and continued speaking with her, this time with her arms around Natalie and her arms around her as the two sat on her bed.
                  "Good girl. So, how was school?" Rachel asks before deeply kissing Natalie's short but messy raven scalp. She knew Natalie was a good kid who was nice to everyone and never starts fights. If anything, problems usually come to her and not the other way around.
                  "Nothing too exciting or shitty" Natalie then laid her head on her mother's shoulder as they continued talking.
                  "You sure?"
                  "Yeah" Natalie says truthfully. Speaking of the truth, Natalie was no world class liar because they'd never last long. It's one of the many reasons as to why she learned the hard way not to eat too many cookies and to skip school.  
                 "How was your day, mom?" Natalie asked with great interest and concern. She knew her mother's job was hard with keeping the good people safe and the bad people off their streets. There was even a funeral for one of their best officers which was obviously a sad day for everyone, especially for his family. However, seeing the frown on Natalie's face, Rachel's loving side quickly stepped into the conversation.
                "Ohh, nothing much. Just the day in day out bullshit that plagues Denver on a regular damn basis that you don't have to worry about" Rachel's lips then made their way to Natalie's check as she gave her a great many kisses causing the girl to giggle loudly.
                  "So, you want some ice cream?"
                  "YES!" Natalie exclaims with her arms pumped fully into the air, causing her mother to be slightly shocked by this. The chocolate and mint flavored cream soon finds itself into the young girl's mouth along with Natalie's face lit up like how she lights up when tearing through her christmas and birthday presents. This wasn't a huge deal to Rachel due to the fact that, well, she's a kid. And, she deserves to be a kid. Like she never was.
                   "Mom?" That word alone was enough to snap her out of her depressive trance, the light shake from her body being the only evidence.
                   "Sorry, sweete. I was just...." After putting her bowl down on the coffee table, she places her fingers on her forehead as if she was having a brain freeze. A moment or two later occurs before Rachel's mind gets back into focus.
                   "Brain freeze?"
                   "Brain freeze" A small smile brings itself onto Rachel's face as the two continued eating ice cream. Natalie, being the child she was, smiled brightly and got back to her dish. A part of her felt something was wrong but decided not to ask. It was probably none of her business anyways. Moments later, with Natalie tucked into bed, Rachel found herself in the shower trying to wash everything off. The fatigue she had from her job, the fights she got into at the gym and on the field, and what her mind suddenly conjured up. What the hell was that? When did her shitty childhood decide to make its way back into her mind? Shaking her head slightly, the woman grabs her shampoo and smothers her hair with it, letting out a deep breath with her nose while letting its strawberry scent fill her nostrils. Rachel then proceeds to grab some conditioner and apply that to her hair as well as grab the body soap she had where she placed it all over her body with the hand cloth she had; this included her back, her legs, and her ears. She finishes this process by cleaning her armpits and fish for a while, both completely bare. She hated body hair due to the fact it always looked messy and unclean to her. After her shower, Rachel was on her bed completely nude going through some photos of her and Natalie. She was so perfect like she already is. Bright, full of energy, and always ready to cause trouble. Chuckling, Rachel continued to scroll through the perfect life she has until she grew bored and went to go check on Natalie though not before putting the photos in her drawer and dawning a towel over her body. Carefully opening the door, she sees her daughter sleeping peacefully. Tip toeing towards her, Rachel puts a hand through her hair as carefully as possible so she doesn't disturb Natalie's slumber. Giving her a kiss on her forehead, she quietly exits her room and closes her daughter's door at that same volume. Rachel goes back to her room where she takes her towel off and throws it in her hamper. Closing the door behind her, turning the lights off, and sitting back on her bed, Rachel's mind once again dwells on a collection of thoughts ranging from the fatigue her day brought her to her many cravings. Soon, the "human" side of the police officer came about. Taking a quick glance from her door to her locked and concealed windows, Rachel looked down at her member with great interest, her mind going crazy with thoughts of bliss and ecstasy the minute her fingers reached her womanhood. She needed this. After all, motherhood shouldn't be a 24/7 job and she deserves some time for herself. Her soft moans of satisfaction fill the void of the room's lack of sound along with her carefully rubbing her member. It wasn't long before she found herself lost in passion and lust while her mind fills the empty bedroom with the two motions happening at once. Out of nowhere, an unknown man's throbbing member was thrusting itself into her own, the two partners having Rachel being the dominant as she rode his manhood at a steady place. Their collectively quiet moans of satisfaction became only a tad bit louder on Rachel's part when the shift of focus and pace turns from Rachel riding on the man's penis to her rubbing her vagina on another female's vagina while she's doing the exact same. Both partner's legs were in a pace similar to the previous partners except the two were sitting on her bed facing each other as their womanhoods were rubbing fiercely together. The unknown woman was clearly nervous thanks to her face showing her uncertainty of how much sex she could handle while Rachel, although it isn't shown, was in heaven as her moans were more like grunts with her mouth being closed. While the two continued rubbing their vaginas together, Rachel couldn't help but deliver a firm smack to the woman's bottom as her ass was too amazing for her to resist, making the woman make out a gasp from her mouth. Moments later, the scene changes to Rachel continuing to ride her male partner's manhood with her legs around his lower back and their faces meeting each other's while their eyes were closed and their whole bodies were covered in sweat not to mention their pace was increasing only by a slight percentage thanks to Rachel knowing her kid needs her beauty sleep. Laying her chin on the man's shoulder along with her hands behind his back, her male partner couldn't help but increase his speed by a little bit because he couldn't resist the woman he was subjecting his shaft to. The scene later goes back to Rachel and her female partner but this time with Rachel having the woman's dominant leg on her shoulder along with her rubbing her member on her partner's member with force that could rival many fights she's had with a lot of people. Her partner was struggling to be strong while Rachel was clearly able to handle the pace. Whatever the situation; be it having her member destroyed by a huge shaft or dominating a woman's fish with her own, she was in sex paradise nonetheless. She likes both genders because they both have a lot to offer in who they are along with the great sex they provide. Moments upon moments of intense sex later causes her moans to grow louder and louder until her eventual release. The raven haired woman starts panting in intense pleasure with a huge smile pasted onto her face. Then, after a moment or two of resting from her sexual fantasies, her eyes widened with absolute terror when she viewed its aftermath.
                    "Fuck" The woman whispers as she went to grab the towel from her hamper to clean up the mess she made. She did her best but it was still moist with her semen when she finished. Deciding to not worry about it tonight, the woman crawled her way into her covers with the intention of getting some sleep. It was the weekend so she had nothing to worry about tomorrow. She and Natalie usually slept in and when they got up, the two would do something fun or Natalie will go have fun with her friends leaving Rachel with some alone time to watch some "adult" flicks, and then it was a fricken tub of ice cream for the both of them from their favorite shop in the evening either Saturday or Sunday. Whatever the case, it's usually a fun filled weekend for the two of them.

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