Her Best Answers To Life's Tribulations

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               The next morning, the mother-daughter duo travel to the park for a picnic thanks to Natalie convincing Rachel to get their asses out of the house and do something that'll involve getting some fresh air. Rachel didn't want to leave the house today but since she loved Natalie too much to say no to her she just went with it. After setting up their spot, the two immediately dug into the food they both prepared. Natalie obviously takes after her mother's habit of wolfing down food as both females were blessed with high metabolisms. During their consumption of the food in front of them, Natalie and Rachel started to speak to one another, their mouths filled with the foods they were eating.
             "See, isn't this fun?" Natalie asked with her turkey sub still being chewed in her mouth.
             "Yeah, it's alright. I mean, our lunch is way better than what I did for lunch yesterday. Fucking Brice and his pasta" Rachel commented with her mouth filled with the leftover hamburger from last weeks barbeque in her mouth.
             "What's wrong with Brice's cooking? I mean, he can't be that bad" Natalie's curious voice asked now more clear thanks to her sandwich being all gone.
             "Nat, his cooking is shit. End of story" Rachel comments before finishing her last bite.
            "Well, what else happened yesterday mom?"
            "Nothing else. What about you, sweetie?"
            "Well, nothing really. Miss.Phillips wasn't there yesterday because she was sick so we had a really nice substitute come in."
            "How nice was she?" A crooked smile made its way onto Rachel's face the minute she blurted her sentence out. Natalie then whispers what's on her dirty mind in her mother's dominant ear with that same devious grin as her parent.
            "Nice enough for you to bang her" This made Rachel chuckle along with Natalie. She was very thankful the kid inherited and was able to handle her dark humor which meant no problem when she whispers these words to her.
             "Ya know, if you'd like, you could give her my number and say if she'd ever needed some  good-"
             "Rachel Annabelle Lockwood!" Both heads immediately shot over to the direction of the person shouting at Rachel to see Emily's displeased face along with her own daughter with her; the mother-daughter duo holding hands with Sarah leaning her head on her mother's lower arm. Rachel rolls her eyes and soon greets her girlfriend and her daughter with her own colorful language.
             "Nice to see you too, Mother Buzzkill!" Rachel's remarks earn her laughter from Natalie only to be glared at by Emily which takes down her mischievousness only for her to frown and keep her head down a bit.
             "Will you stop teaching her that bad behavior?"
             "Will you stop bitching to me about being a perfect parent?" That sly attitude of hers really got on Emily's nerves sometimes. What is going to take for her to see that their baby can't grow up like her?! But, Rachel wasn't a bad mom and it clearly shows. After all, Natalie not being labeled as the trouble making girl at the girls' school happened for a reason.
             "You know I care, Rachel" Emily states after letting out a sigh.
             "Yeah yeah" Rachel then gestures for Natalie and Sarah to go play while the adults talked things through. Rachel and Emily started smooching the minute Emily sat down next to her with both women wrapping their arms around each other. Rachel had her hair of chocolate massaged by her fingers with her palms on both of her lover's cheeks while Emily wrapped her arms around her torso while their tongues dance in their mouths. Their makeout session ends as soon as the two found words they needed to say to each other but had to wipe up some of the saliva from their intense moment of passion.
              "What made you want to come here?"
              "Why do you think?" Rachel says with much that sly smile on her face which made Emily smile. This was the time where her lover's sarcasm and rude humor didn't aggravate people and make her out to be an irresponsible mother.
              "Well, it's good you're getting out more and enjoying the beauty-"
              "The beauty of nature and all that other bullshit. I get it. So, you excited for tonight?" Rachel gleems with that dirty, perverted charm of hers which makes Emily smile in a not so innocent way.
              "Of course, my darling hunk" The two of them peck lips before talking again while holding each other tightly.
              "Nora's gonna have a fu-"
              "Rachel, what did we talk about when you're swearing with children present?" Emily says with seriousness in her voice making Rachel sigh in annoyance.
              "That it's unprofessional, toxic, and we need to set a good example for our young generation. Blah blah blah." Rachel states while not taking her seriously.
              "I mean it, Rachel"
              "I know, Emily, and trust me, I know" Rachel says before smashing her lips onto Emily's and the two once again start making out. After their short tonsil hockey session, both women started to speak again.
              "Just try to be more adaptable. And, not just for me" This sentence causes Rachel to glance at Natalie and Sarah playing together only for it to cause a mixture of sullen and melancholy to appear in her heart. She then looks back at Emily with that expression and, after a deep breath, answers her girlfriend's plea.
              "I get it. But, you know we can't protect them forever. Emily, the world can be a scary place and sometimes they have to deal with those things. Our kids aren't going to be kids forever and they'll soon have to deal with things that we can't help them with. Sure, we can try, but it's their responsibility to figure life out for themselves"
             "I know, but I just want them to not be screwed up by the time they leave to pursue their dreams. You know that, don't you?" Emily asked with her glassy hazel eyes staring deeply at her partner's chocolate eyes. Rachel then looks away from her as she finishes the conversation.
             "You wanna know why abusive assholes who hate their kids exist, Emily? It's cause their lives aren't going the way they wanted them to and they're taking it out on them. They think it's their fault for losing everything they cared about while in reality it's not. It's just the simple fact that their jealous of their kids' potential and they want them to feel what they feel: pissy, entitled, tired, broken, and alone. That's just the reality for kids having to deal with scumbags like them" Looking right back at her partner, Rachel continued talking.
             "I know I'm not perfect but nobody is. We should be lucky that we even have kids in the first place. And, that we even love them" Rachel had said enough at that point having seen the tears that escaped Emily's eyes. Exiting the depressing scenery, Rachel and Emily were now at a restaurant with the two dressed up more fancier than usual. Rachel's navy blue three piece suit deeply contrasted with the white short semi-formal dress Emily had on. As the two chuckled, it was obvious the two were enjoying themselves at the ladder's favorite eatery.
              "Are you saying Sarah actually drew that?" After taking a look at the picture her girlfriend's little artist made, which really impressed her, the two began talking once again the minute Emily put her phone away.
               "Yeah, my little girl is a real artist. Aren't you impressed?"
              "She's got potential but she's not at Picasso's level yet. Anyway, I've heard she's won the spelling bee last week.  I mean, I knew she was smart and all but shit"
              "I know. That's my miraculous wonder for ya"
              "Totally" All of a sudden, Rachel's phone started to buzz. Knowing Emily would be fine with her answering her call as it was probably someone from work, Rachel made her exit and headed outside so that she can answer her call better.
              "Yo" Rachel starts but is soon answered back by her former teacher.
             "Ahh, Rachel. I see two of my students are enjoying themselves" The woman greeted positively.
            "Yes, we are. How're the little monsters?"
            "Fabulous. They've all been well behaved while they've been at my house and have even helped in picking out a project idea for my class" The woman in glasses states before taking a drink of her red wine, all while decked out in the Hello Kitty pajamas Fiona had bought her two Christmases ago.
           "Ohh, and they're not monsters. Rather, they're children Rachel; and yes, it's something you and I were once" Although she didn't mean it, she knew how much that line personally affected Rachel but was quickly reassured Rachel was ok thanks to her being, well, Rachel.
          "Huh, yeah. So, are they still up?"
          "They've gone to bed so they can't say hi to the two of you"
          "That's cool, I'll be sure to tell Em that everything's cool on your end. Anything bad happen?"
          "Nope. Everything is spic and span. I'll be seeing you two tomorrow, I assume?"
          "Yep. Anyways, I'll be seeing you tomorrow afternoon. Bye."
          "Bye" Hanging up, Rachel immediately made her way back into the restaurant where she saw the food, but most of all, Emily, sitting there waiting for her.
          "Hey, babe" Rachel comments while sitting back down and using her utensils to cut up her steak.
          "Hey. So, who was it?"
          "Nora. She says the kids are all right so we're good" Rachel states before taking a bite of her steak.
          "You ok?"
          "Yeah?" Rachel says with clear confusion. The woman thought she was just asking about her relationship with Nora as the two didn't get along in the past but have at least earned each other's respect as of now. Emily, however, had a different reason for that look of concern she had for Rachel. But, bringing it up now would only ruin the romantic dinner her tomboyish partner had to go to. So, they just decided to eat.  Moans and sighs quickly filled the empty bedroom with it's only brightness being the moon illuminated from the window of the brown haired female's room. Her raven haired partner was fiercely rubbing her member against hers while she did the same only with Emily being a lot more steady with her pace and Rachel being faster then usual. The two lovers continued rubbing their womanhoods against each other until they couldn't handle it anymore and their members gave out. Laying down on their backs for a short while for them to catch their breath, the two sat back up and smash their lips onto each other, making moans exert towards each other as their tongues danced in their mouths. Then, the two of them stopped to catch their breath and started speaking with each other as soon as they could.
           "Rachel, are you ok?" Emily asks after wiping saliva from her mouth and clearing her throat.
           "Yeah. Why are you asking that?'' Rachel knows why she asked that but didn't want it to be true.
           "You know I love you, right?"
           "Yeah, and I love you too. Look, that phone call we had didn't do anything to me, honest. I guess I was just lost in thought back there. Sorry bout that"
           "Hey it's ok" Emily says before giving her girlfriend a hug only for Rachel to reciprocate the action.
            "Just know that I'm here for you, alright?"
            "Yeah. But, I'm fine" The two of them had their lips meet for a short while before they started talking again.
          "Now, can we please start fucking again cause I'm still horny?" Rachel says making Emily chuckle before the two started sucking each other's faces again. Emily didn't always like Rachel's humor but knew that she wasn't her: a strong willed, fearless, but a bit rough around the edges woman who was perfect for her. She would like it if Rachel toned down her abrasiveness a bit and open up to her more. But, besides that, as well as many other things, she wouldn't want her any other way.

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