The Recoiling Effect

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The book Nora's hands gripped on helped her escape into the book's memorizing world of mystery and murder. Ohh, how she loved these stories. Such intrigue, such challenge, and such relatable misfortune all wrapped into one. Out of the blue, her mother senses were tingling. A look of pure motherly sternness made its way onto her face when putting her book down and making her way up to her daughter's room. Peaking into Fiona's room, the little girl is seen drawing her cares away, of course.
"Not drawing anything morbid, are we?" Fiona's entire body immediately went towards her mother. Remaining calm, Fiona sat up on her bed and began talking to her mother.
"No. I'm just drawing what I usually draw" Fiona then went back to work, turning away from her mother in the process. Nora, not wanting to leave just yet, plopped near her daughter to shower her with affection. Gently wrapping her arms around her daughter's neck when Fiona sat up from her drawing position, the women simply gave her baby girl a peck on her scalp. Fiona then wrapped her arms around her mother's mid back with Nora doing the same.
              "What's up?" Fiona politely asked followed by Nora kissing her daughter's forehead.
"Ohh, just making sure you're not going to the dark side of your imagination"
"Creepypasta isn't that bad, mom"
"It's a violent, horrid, disgusting, and evil phenomenon. Luckily, you have a mother who cares about you" Nora says with a mixed voice of sarcasm and seriousness.
"Those stories are just stories, mom. They're not real" Fiona says, laying her head on her mother's shoulder with slight puppy dog eyes. Yeah: Creepypasta can be dark, violent, gory, and terrifying. However, there's a certain joy one gets when exploring the modern campfire story phenomenon. Creepypasta is a world that nobody wishes to leave once entering it. Nora, being the strict, overprotective mother she is, thought otherwise.
"I know. But, that site is still off limits. Do you understand?" Nora's wordplay matched the fierce green eyes stared deep into the abyss of Fiona's young soul. Sadly, due to the fact she's a child and her mother an adult, Fiona caved in.
  "You have the makings of a green lantern" Fiona commented, her reasoning being the forest green eyes her mother had. That, and her stubbornness when accomplishing a task.
"Thank you. You have the makings of a perfect little angel" Nora said in a chipper manner, giving yet another kiss to Fiona's forehead which therefore made her little girl giggle a bit. Both smiling, the two continue holding each other coinciding with them continuing to chat.
  "So, how was your comic book day with Natalie?" Nora says while looking at her daughter with intense love in her heart.
     "Ohh, it was a regular day. Ya know, with Natalie teasing me a bit"
"Yes, unfortunately. I hate that she gets it from Rachel" Fiona laid her head down a bit, making Nora raise an eyebrow in concern.
"D-Did you... We... Uhh" Fiona couldn't get the words out due to her fear of Rachel's wrath being brought onto her.
"What's wrong?" Nora asked, her concern temporarily obliterating her tough as nails teacher persona.
"D... D-Did you know Rachel's parents?" Fiona confesses as the young girl's eyes looked towards her mother for answers. Many things pace through the woman's mind, both good and bad. Finally, after a moment's contemplation, and a sigh, Nora gives her daughter's scalp a kiss before telling her the answers.
"I've...  heard about them. They weren't great, that's for sure, but not to the point of them being evil"
"And, Rachel hates them. Doesn't she?"
"Yes. You saw that book, didn't you?" Fiona shakes her head to conform her mother's predictions.
"We only got towards Rachel's birth with her parents welcoming her into the world"
"Sweetie" Nora starts with her hands holding Fionas.
"What I'm about to tell you is very serious. So, please don't tell Natalie or Rachel"
"Ok" Knowing her always truthful daughter, Nora gets right to telling her daughter about her former student/best friend's anger towards her parents.
"Her parents relationship, despite what you saw, wasn't ideal. However, that doesn't mean they were abusive or cruel towards Rachel. Sadly, she had to be placed into foster care after they got into an... incident" Nora didn't wish to say anymore because she's said enough. Fiona silently agreed, now being more understanding of Rachel's earlier outburst.
"Hey, it's ok. You two didn't know" The woman immediately gave her daughter a peck on the cheek as the two got back to hugging.
"She doesn't hate you. Rather, she hates the fact you found that book" Nora says this while rubbing her back. Fiona rests her head on her mother's shoulder, enjoying her mother's affection to a great degree.
"Fortunately, you have nothing to worry about. You two haven't done anything wrong" Fiona's smile returned as she rested on her mother's shoulder. The two then face each other before continuing to speak to one another.
"Thanks mom. Love you" Fiona said with much more calmness radiating off of her being. Trusting the situation was resolved, Nora gives one more cheek kiss to her daughter.
"I love you too" Before Nora left, the woman left a piece of humor to add in helping Fiona feel better.
   "Don't think this means you're safe if I catch you watching Creepypasta" Fiona couldn't help but giggle at her mother's cute threat. After all, how could she know about what she's watching if she's not doing it at her house? An evil smile makes its way onto her face as Fiona gets back to work on her latest work. Natalie, meanwhile, laid on her bed, still shaken by what happened earlier. She'd never seen her mother that angry before. What did her grandparents do to her? Did they beat her? Did they leave her to die? What happened? However, her mind went to even more dark places besides the fact of her grandparents scarring her mom. Is her mom hiding her dad because he was a bad person? Was mom a bad person? Is she ashamed of something she did in her past? What the hell is going on? Natalie, feeling that her mom wouldn't be happy if she brought this up tomorrow, decides to put this to bed as she tries to go to bed herself. Rachel, unbeknownst to Natalie, watched on as her beloved daughter slept.
"I'm sorry, kiddo" Rachel softly said. The policewoman wasn't angry at the girls for finding that damned book, for she's only angry at herself not getting rid of it earlier. Going back to her room, she hops into her bed, reminding herself to take that book to the incinerator when she gets up tomorrow. Right now, she just needs some sleep.

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