The Troubled Big Girl

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               A sleeping Rachel took up the space on her bed after a long day's work. There were no sounds that rang out in the bedroom, not even her cellphone rang unlike her last naptime. More moments of sleep pass before a familiar warmth made its way to her. Rachel, because of the fact she's tired beyond words, simply continues to sleep her cares away. Not even the little girl's arms around her mother's mid back woke her up. Opening her eyes hours later, she felt her alarm go off on her phone. Looking over Natalie, the woman gave her daughter a passionate kiss on her scalp and got up from her bed. Natalie stretches from her position coinciding with the young girl sitting straight up from the bed.
                "You off?" Natalie asked after her mom got her stuff together.
                "Yep" Rachel says before passionately hugging her daughter and giving her a deep kiss on her cheek.
                "Love you, kiddo"
                "Love you, mom. Ohh, wait"
                "What's up?" The woman asks just as she was about to walk out the door.
                 "Would you mind if I read to you after you get back?" Rachel couldn't help but be memorized by the innocent eyes her daughter had.
                 "Sure" Rachel said while ruffling Nat's hair, making the little girl giggle wholeheartedly. Maybe her mom is interested in her stories after all.
                 "Don't burn the place down" The woman sarcastically comments before leaving the house making Natalie laugh out loud at that comment. Moments of work go by in the office as Rachel hammers down her report. Among the details of the report include the fight she had with thugs trying to silence one of their undercover cops. While Rachel led the group valiantly against the criminal group, only a few officers, such as the undercover cop, got injured enough to be hospitalized. Rachel, herself, only got a black eye, a cut on her right arm, and a bloody nose. The bleeding stopped a while ago thanks to Rachel taking care of that in the women's bathroom. She didn't fear scars, for she'd been dealt one many scars in her lifespan on this planet. It wasn't long before Brice came to her for a reason related not to her assignment, but something she might know.
                      "I need you at my office after you finish up the report"
                      "Of course, sir" The police corporal told her boss while working on the report she typed intensely. A deep seeded feeling comes over the tough skinned woman out of the blue. This dark, rich, nail biting, and morbid feeling coursed throughout her body. It's something she's never felt before. Sure: she's been overjoyed, pissed, depressed, and furious multiple times in her life. However, this is different. It's a feeling she'd never experienced before. Dread. Why did she dread what was coming up? Thankfully, she manages to keep her composure as she types her report. After finishing her report, the policewoman makes her way to Brice's office where fellow officers attempt small talk with her.
                               "Hey, nice work on that gang case, Lockwood"
                               "Yeah, you showed those pricks"
                               "All in a day's work, boys" The woman said in a professional manner. Both men immediately went back to work while their higher up went to the big boss's office. Sitting down in her chair, the woman waited for her boss to inform her of the situation, granted he was able to get off the phone with his little girl.
                               "Ok, I'll see if we can get you better swim lessons, sweetie. Alright, I gotta go. Daddy loves you" A few kissing noises ring out before the police chief hangs up his phone.
                               "Pamela?" Rachel casually asked whilst leaning back in her chair. 
                               "Yep, daddy's little girl sadly got into a fiasco with her swim buddies. So, we're gonna do some relocation if you know what I mean"
                               "Ohh, I understand. There was this yoga class Natalie wanted to take with Emily, but sadly, because some dick tried to get with Emily, the studio got shut down. Yeah, Natalie wasn't too pleased after that"
                               "Ahh, the classic reality check kids get when losing their innocence" The two had a short laughing moment after that little exchange. Then, they get back to business, most notably Rachel after clearing her throat from that giggle fit.
                                "Anyways, what's the issue?" Brice's face grew serious, his face being laced with uncertainty. He knew Rachel may have issues with this, but also knew she might need closure when she gets the nerve to read this thing.
                                "It's something related to your parents" As soon as he pulled out the cursed book found from the incinerator, Rachel's face turned from casual to rage filled the minute her eyes locked onto the thing she thought she burned away.
                                "Look, Rachel. I know you hate this thing, but-"
                                "Sir, if you're trying to tell me that thing has value, you're wrong" The anger inside Rachel brewed as strong as the beer keggers at her favorite pub.
                                 "Well, I want to let you know burning the past away in our incinerator won't make the pain go away. Look, if you wanna talk with me, I'm willing to listen"
                                  "Thanks, sir, but I'm good. Just please don't show that thing to me again. Better yet, how about I take that from you and try again?"
                                  "No. You're trying to forget the past, Lockwood. Your parents-"
                                  "Threw me out like garbage because they loved their jobs more than me" Rachel nearly shouted, her fury scorching the restraints holding the rampaging feelings back.
                                   "I think you should go home, Lockwood" Knowing the man was serious, Rachel, in her angry/professional position, slightly stormed towards the door.
                                   "It's never a bad idea to cry, ya know?" Rachel stopped right then and there just when his words reached her ears. At least, that's what he hoped for. Due to Rachel being, well, Rachel, it's meaning clearly fell on deaf ears.
                                   "I stopped crying a long time ago" The strong woman said with a malace and melancholic tone. She then closes the door on the man, his face riddled with concern. Rachel marched back home in a fit. Her fury radiates off her during her storming off, common folk being left with fear and concern for the angry woman. However, people in the crowd knew Rachel Lockwood. She isn't one to be trifled with when in this state, so they stayed clear of her warpath. Only after a long, overbearing walk of loathing of the past and other unhappy thoughts go by before Rachel went into her house, hoping to God she'll be able to rest from another long day. Fortunately, there was no sign of Natalie bugging her about her storytelling or whatever. Rachel makes her way up the stairs towards her bedroom, that room specifically right near her Nat. Speaking of Nat, out of maternal instinct, she went to check on her through peeking through her bedroom window. To her joy, the little sucker was out like a light. The mom, satisfied with her daughter's safety being upheld, went to bed as confident as she can be right now. Her sleep is as beautiful as usual, even though she's a snorer. The nude woman continues her sleep uninterrupted with her head resting on her pillow and her hands and legs laying on each other. Another person suddenly invites herself in her room, Rachel's body position changing from the lazy one she had earlier to just laying on her back. To her joy, the female laid her pussy on her own, Emily giving her signature kisses that were heavenly beyond anyone's feeble mind. 
                                          "Ohh, honey. I'm home" It didn't take long for the policewoman to open her once baggy eyes to the love of her life back from her trip. A smile of pure lust makes her way onto Rachel's face as her energy levels shot up to extreme degrees. The lovers' lips mashed together perfectly mere moments into their love making session. Skipping over the hours of loud moaning and intense sex later, both partners release upon Rachel's final thrusts on her lover's member. Grunts and soft moans come out of both of their mouths before the two head into their shared bed.
                                             "Looks like you were desperate for sex, sexy"
                                             "Not as much as you, darling" The two peck lips before speaking again, the woman of glitter and glam in a chatty mood.
                                              "So, how's the force?"
                                              "Ohh, ya know. Just had another long day. You, love?"
                                              "Splendid. Corey and Jake are getting married, many house are getting the tip top renovations they need, and-"
                                               "Let me guess, you also got a huge bonus from that job of yours. Good work, babe" The raven haired says while stretching her body. Not wanting to scold Rachel at the moment for her rudeness, mainly because the kids were asleep, Emily smiles as she changes the subject.
                                                "So, did you get a chance to see Natalie's work? She's really done a good job so far. Yeah, she's needing some improvement, but-"
                                                "Oh, shit. I forgot. But, I heard she's doing good"
                                                "You didn't look at it, did you?"
                                                "Em, I told her I'd look at it. However, when I got home, she was already asleep. So, it didn't happen"
                                                 "Well, we can always talk with her about it tomorrow" Emily says with those trademark puppy dog eyes of hers. Not paying much attention, Rachel pecks her lover's lips for the final time before heading off to bed.
                                                  "Goodnight, sexy" Emily was obviously hurt by her girlfriend's negligence of her and her daughter's feelings. Being tired herself, Emily forces herself to leave the conversation until morning. Though, she still had doubts of Rachel ever listening to Natalie because she's, well, Rachel.

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