Mother Doesn't Always Know Best

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           Rachel and Natalie were now at the theatre having just exited the movie they finished seeing. Both mother and daughter were satisfied with what they saw; for Natalie, it was a very deep story many families can relate to while Rachel saw it as merely an epic adventure flick disguised as another kid's movie. While walking out to their car, the two start talking.
       "Man, that movie was the shit" Rachel says followed by Natalie sharing her thoughts on the movie.
      "I know right. I loved Merida and Elinor in that movie"
     "Why, is it cause they remind you of how you and I are like?" The young girl giggles for a short while before speaking again.
     "No mom. Rather, their story's just beautiful"
    "Yeah, sure" Rachel apathetically says.
    "So, how was last night with momma?" The curious girl asked.
    "Momma?" Rachel was completely taken aback by this new name she's used. However, her confusion quickly fades as she realized that's who she referred Emily as. A giggle made its way out of her mouth as she revealed a few details to Natalie in order to not lose sex forever.
   "Oh, momma was very good to me. You see, baby girl, your momma and I had a wonderful night filled with love, food, and more love"
   "Really? Can you tell me more?"
   "Trust me kiddo; I would tell you all the sexy details, but your momma would tear me a new ass if they came out of my mouth" Natalie's loud laughter erupted from her mouth along with Rachel giggling with great pride at her jokes.
   "You... You can't be serious!" Natalie hollers from her giggling tone of voice.
   "Oh, I'm serious" The woman proudly boasts. Rachel and Natalie then enter their car and began driving home. During the drive back, Natalie was on her phone texting Fiona since she too was about to see Brave and she wanted to let her friend know about her experience watching the film. Though, she wouldn't spoil anything for her as that wasn't fair to her best friend.
   "You're not being a spoil sport, are ya?" Rachel comments while driving the two of them home.
   "No mom, I'm just letting Fiona know that I enjoyed the movie" Natalie knows how much Sarah wants to see this movie but not as much as Fiona. So, she didn't want to ruin it for her.
   "Good" Rachel then continues driving while Natalie was still on her phone. Only a short moment passes before the two started speaking again.
   "Still texting Fiona?"
   "Fiona just texted me some ideas for chapter three of our book"
   "Oh, yeah. That book you two were working on. What's it about again?"
   "Well, it's about these three superheroes trying to prevent the apocalypse while also dealing with the reasons they're superheroes in the first place and-" Before Natalie could continue her explanation, Rachel cuts her off in a very casual, unempathetic way.
   "Cool, looks like you guys are on the right track. Keep it up" Rachel then continues driving as Natalie went back to her phone. Natalie was a bit hurt by her mother's disinterest in her hobby but it's not like she was telling her to give up her dreams or any of that other heartless crap. Natalie was now in her room writing notes in her journal. These notes were for how chapter three was gonna play out with one of the villains attacking the three heroes on a personal level. Intense writing occurs when Natalie starts getting an idea of how dialogue should play out between Copier and MultiClick, two of the superheroes, arguing over dealing with the villain kidnapping Copier's fiancé. She then gets to the part where BioMauler, their leader, tries talking them down from their heated conversation and get them to focus on the matter at hand. Natalie's smile was spread from ear to ear thanks to her hobby being her peace of mind. She loved the world of fiction and she dreamed of one day making a story as good as Steven Spielberg, Stan Lee, and Bill Finger. After getting her dialogue for the superheroes out of the way, the young girl turned over to the dialogue between the two villains discussing how they would torture his fiancé to draw Copier into their trap over a glass of wine.
   "Are you serious?!" These were the words blurted out from her mother in her own room. Natalie made her way to her door, placing her ear to the door in order to hear what her mother was talking about, though not before leaving her materials at her desk.
   "What, no? I'm glad you're getting a promotion, babe" Natalie, deciding to get back to her chapter, went back to her desk, trusting that everything was fine.
   "I mean, I'm shocked too Rachel" Emily says over the phone as the couple conversed in Rachel's room.
   "Look, it's great you managed to get that promotion. Seriously, you must've really busted your tight ass to get that title"
   "Ha ha, very funny Rachel. Anyways, Sarah wants to go to the beach Wednesday afternoon and I was wondering if you and Natalie want to come along?"
   "Sure. I mean, we've got nothing to do that day. Plus, it's a good excuse for Natalie to not be in her room all day"
   "Yeah, I understand" Emily sighs as she laid on her back wearing nothing but her bathrobe.
    "Also, it's perfect for me to see that sexy swimsuit of yours" Rachel grins while sitting on her bed. Sex was one of her favorite past times shared with Emily; after all, who wouldn't resist wanting to sleep with someone as sexy as Emily Vincent?
    "Yeah, Miss.Sexaholic" Emily says after chuckling at her partner's erotic tone. She then yawns before ending her conversation with Rachel.
    "Well, I better head off to bed. I've got a long day tomorrow. Goodnight, my love" Emily says as she yawns and stretches.
    "Love you too, babe" The woman then gets off the phone as she places it in her pocket. Soon, she suddenly goes over to her closet as a means to pack for the day ahead. During her item searching, she comes across an old album of hers. Out of primal curiosity, Rachel picks it up and takes it with her to her bed. She opens the item and, as soon as she saw one of the pictures, she immediately throws it back in the closet.
    "Why the fuck do I still have that thing?" Rachel curses softly. She then decides to get back to getting ready for tomorrow. After getting ready for tomorrow a few moments later, she later goes to check up on Natalie only to find her quiet as a mouse in her bed. Being careful, the woman strokes the young girls hair for a while. Out of nowhere, a single tear escapes her eyes which even shocked the hell out of her. Immediately rubbing it from her face, Rachel goes back to showering Natalie with her affection. Whatever it took, she wasn't gonna let Natalie become her. For if that were to happen, it would've meant she failed her. Rachel gives Natalie a kiss on her forehead before leaving her room. Taking one last glance at her daughter, Rachel leaves the room though not before gently closing the door behind her. Going back into her room, Rachel laid on her bed as the room was completely pitch black. That's where she was her entire life. Just a torturous cycle of a girl without any purpose in life other than rebelling against those trying to help her. Making a look of anger towards the ceiling, Rachel turns to her dominant side as she tries to fall asleep. This shitstorm she had inside her was something Natalie, or anyone, doesn't need. Besides, her life is as perfect as it is.

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