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"oh my god, minjoo. are you alright? you look dead and not to mention your blouse is inside out..." hyewon mumbles when she slides into the seat next to minjoo, who currently had her head against the desk.

"i don't want to talk about it, i'm tired as fuck." minjoo slurs as she shifts into the desk even further.

"are you swearing?! what is this, are you even minjoo?" the older gasps, shaking the girl a little.

minjoo grumbles before moving to a much more comfortable position, dozing off to sleep before she caught a familiar wift of expensive perfume.

she shot her head up and glanced around, her eyes landing on the prettiest- no, on a black-haired teenager standing by the door, talking to a few other students.

minjoo smiled subconsciously, watching chaewon giggle and watch how her eyes brighten up every time.

"you're actually in love with her." hyewon grumbles before picking at her sandwich.

"i'm not, that's disgusting." minjoo quickly snaps before putting her head down again, in attempts to hide her blush. she got a mumble from hyewon before she started to slowly drift into sleep, since class wouldn't start until a while after their study period. minjoo could really use some sleep.

only a few minutes into her nap, the poor brunette was waken by a startled yena and yuri by her side.

"minjoo... i think, you should come see this." the taller says, tugging minjoo's disorientated uniform. the latter dragged her feet along with the other two girls before they stopped at the corridor.

number of students crowded the area before minjoo could finally get a glimpse at what was happening.

teenagers crowded two students, their backpacks both tossed to the ground. "what did you say, you fucker?" jungkook spits, lunging at chaewon. the girl only smiling a little after successfully shifting away from his attempts.

"please jeon, you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone."

the tension and the intensity in her tone was terrifying. there's a great deal of emotion behind those words she is speaking. it wasn't nice, for all minjoo knew.

instead of waiting for a disaster to unfold and then stress of the relationship, minjoo calmed herself and moved in between the two students before yelling.

"what are you two doing!" the student-president hollers, exceptionally mad. "to the office. now."

the whole entire commotion dropped. students scurried to their classrooms before quickly shoving their phones down their pockets; doing everything to avoid minjoo's harsh glare. 

thank god for the girl's status in school, the situation could've ended with much more than scars and bruises. the two students hung their head low before following the petite girl into the office.

minjoo held the door open, giving both of them the stern eye before scowling, "tell him. tell him what you two were doing in the hallways, or i will."

jungkook opened his mouth to explain his situation to the principal first before getting cut off by chaewon. "i bumped into him and he called me a whore. oh, and a slut too."

chaewon crosses her arms before shrugging, looking straight at jungkook.

"wha- no! she kept on taunting me about my girlfriend!" the guy says, pointing at minjoo furiously. "she's so irritating! please! i didn't do anything at all."

minjoo could feel the anger slowly build up in her body, the indescribable feeling of heat and fury down her pit.

"right, because 'nothing' justifies for the cut on chaewon's cheek?" the principal asks nonchalantly. "and you, chaewon, don't think you're out of this. i see the coming bruises on his face too."

"but he-"

"but she-"

the two students glared at each other before getting into an argument again, a loud one. infuriating minjoo and the principal even more.

"enough! enough! it's always you two, the worst behaved students of the entire produce high." the man said, rubbing his temples. "suspensions for both of you. jungkook, after your soccer trips."

the two students rolled their eyes before slouching, picking up their bags. they were just about to leave when the principal called out, "oh and minjoo, i want you to watch chaewon since there's no supervisor afterschool, because of the oversea trips. i trust you on this on."

minjoo wanted to scream in anger because she really did not feel like putting up with chaewon, yet remained the same preppy smile. "yes sir, i won't disappoint."

"i won't disappoint." chaewon mocked in a whisper before moving past the others, disappearing within the halls.

minjoo scoffed, stomping away from her calling boyfriend. "i don't want to talk to you."

"what was that?" yena and yuri crowded up with minjoo when she returned to class.

minjoo, slightly irritated already, rolled her eyes before shortly explaining the situatoin. "chaewon and jungkook got into an argument, they are suspended from non-academic activities, except for soccer."

"right because that airhead relies on his sportsman scholarship." yuri giggled before subtly highfiving yena, who had a sheepish smile. they had never been too supportive of minjoo and jungkook anyways.

"whatever." minjoo mumbled before taking out her notes for the class.

it was almost the end of the period, so pretty much all the students were slowly blanking out. the teacher had just asked a question and scanned the room for answers. but to her prevail, she couldn't find anyone who looked prepared.

"minjoo, would you please explain?"

the called girl had been looking at the back of chaewon's head for quite a while, still mesmerized by the simplicity of her beauty (not that she would ever admit). so when chaewon looked back, with a nudging glare, minjoo quickly snapped out of it, slowly realizing the other eighteen pair of eyes on her.

the flustered student quickly stood up, patting down her skirt before carefully explaining the answer.

"very good ms. kim, maybe stop staring at chaewon though." the teacher responded, causing the class to go into little fits of giggles before settling down.

minjoo blushes furiously before grumpily sitting down, packing up her materials after the bell rung.

she swings her schoolbag over her petite body before making her way to a certain girl, who was stuffing papers into her bag. "chaewon."

the shorter glanced up from her position, her hair softly swaying from side to side because of the sudden movement. chaewon hummed in response, "that's me."

"i think we need to talk." minjoo awkwardly giggles, scratching her nape.

chaewon laughs, "it feels like we've had this talk before. what about?"

"what happened yes-yesterday..." the student president answers, averting her eyes.

chaewon paused for a few seconds, crooking her head to the side. "yesterday? i'm so sorry, i honestly don't recall." she had a smile so sickening plastered across her face and it felt like a slap to minjoo.

minjoo gaped in response, how could chaewon forget about the way they held each other the night before? perhaps, yuri had always been right. that chaewon was truly fucked up.

watching chaewon walk away, minjoo quickly catches up. "how could you?"

notes; i'm back,, i'm sorry for being away for so long, i just didn't have the motivation to write a while ago, but now i'm here again! i hope y'all haven't given up on me or this story :/


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