Chapter 2: A Tour of Heaven

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A new day began in Heaven and the newest angel, Lapis was all curled up in her cozy bed. You had never seen an angel sleep more peacefully. Even the early morning beams of sunshine couldn't stir her from her slumber.

Just then, Rose Quartz entered her bedroom, gave her arm a light shake, and said: "Rise and shine, sleeping beauty. A new day awaits."

"I'm too cozy to start the day." Lapis mumbled, half-asleep as she snuggled under her blanket.

"Then, I guess you need some energy." Rose replied as she removed the blanket from the new angel and helped her out of bed.

In the kitchen, the angel guardian was stirring a thick, golden liquid in a pot. Lapis watched as the liquid swirled as it was being stirred like a mini whirlpool, entranced by its hypnotic, fluid movements.

"What is that stuff?" the young angel asked curiously.

"It's called Holy Nectar." answered Rose, scooping a spoonful of the golden liquid. "It's full of nutrients and vitamins that angels need to be healthy. Here, take it while it's warm."

She fed the spoonful of nectar to Lapis and the newly born angel savored the taste in her mouth. The nectar was sweet like honey and yet fizzy at the same time. The sparkling flavor made her tongue tingle and she chuckled from the tickly sensation. Any trace of early morning drowsiness she may have previously had was now gone.

"Mmmm, I love this." Lapis commented, smiling.

"I'm glad to hear that." Rose beamed. "Now, get dressed. We've got a whole lot of Heaven to see."

Later that day, Rose took Lapis out and showed her around all of Heaven. The Chrono Tower was where angels looked after the passage of time. The Blessed Gardens was where angels raised a diversity of flowers. And the Celestial Observatory was a building where angels would watch the sky, star, and weather patterns. Then, the two went to a grand looking fountain where a familiar gold liquid was flowing.

"Is that Holy Nectar?" asked Lapis.

"That's right, Lapis." Rose answered. "This is called the Revered Fountain and this is where the Holy Nectar comes from. If it ever stopped flowing, angels wouldn't have the energy to do their jobs."

The reality of energy depleted angels concerned the young angel as she continued to watch the Holy Nectar flow from the fountain.

As the two of them were making their way to the matriach's fortress, Lapis saw four angels flying above her and she stopped dead in her tracks.

Rose turned back and asked, "What is it, Lapis?"

"Those angels." the new arrival said, pointing up.

"Do you want to go talk to them?" her guardian inquired. "Maybe you'll get to be their friend."

"Oh no, I can't." Lapis answered, nervously. "I've never talked to any other angel besides you and Blue Diamond. I'm sure they don't even know who I am."

"Lapis, every angel was at your Arrival Ceremony." Rose reminded her. "I'm pretty sure those four know who you are."

"But, what if they don't like me?" the shy angel asked.

"Nonsense." her caretaker responded. "I'm sure if you put yourself out there and introduce yourself, you just might be surprised."

"Okay." Lapis sighed as she flapped her wings to join the group of four above her.

Now that she was in the same level in the sky as them, she could make the angels out much more clearly.

The tallest angel had deep brown skin, an afro of indigo-black hair, majenta tinted wings, and a pair of red and blue eyes. She wore thin gold bands on her forearms and raspberry-colored slippers. Her glimmering white dress had a fuchsia colored ribbon held by a small gold medallion over a deep majenta romper.

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