Chapter 6 - To Lead the Herd

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Some people questioned why Weiss was made the leader last chapter, and to that I really have nothing to say. In the last chapter it was she and Ren who made the decision to flank the Deathstalker. What's more, she pulled Ruby back, showed restraint and otherwise was the only one on their team to offer anything in the way of strategy. I know in the show Jaune was chosen (for whatever reason that was for), but here, I like to use a bit more common sense. Weiss was the one who showed the most leadership ability, and as such she was chosen. To those who said it's bad because she doesn't deserve it because early Weiss is a bitch... well, I don't let feelings like that get in the way of what I know will generate a better story.

I don't like early Weiss, either, but that doesn't mean I need to bash on her for it. What satisfaction might be gained ultimately leads to a worse story.

Beta: College Fool

Cover Art: Kegi Springfield

Chapter 6 – To Lead the Herd

The first day in Beacon, or the first day of lessons as it were, should have been a day of discovery and wonder, of marvel and the first step of him being the huntsman and hero his father was. Instead, Jaune Salem Arc gasped on the floor as life slowly left him.

"You idiot!" Weiss, so similar to his mother and yet so much crueller, scowled down at him. Her hands reached down to his neck and she did... something there. The tight material that had nearly killed him came loose and when she stood back up it was with it in hand. "Don't tell me you've never put on a tie before. This is ridiculous."

A tie - was that what the evil thing was called? Did humans actually bother to wear such things, and if so, why? What was the benefit to having something around your throat that could be tightened to asphyxiate you? "Do I have to wear it?"

Weiss scowled and through it at him. The light fabric briefly fluttered against his chest as he caught it. "It's part of your uniform and as team leader I won't accept you looking anything other than your best." She smiled then, almost pleasantly, as she turned to the tall redhead stood nearby. "Pyrrha, I'm sorry to be a bother but would it be possible for you to help the fool with his tie? I need to make sure that child hasn't done anything foolish to her own uniform."

"Ruby may be young but I'm confident in her maturity," Pyrrha said. Weiss harrumphed but didn't argue as she stalked into the bathroom. That left the taller girl to come up to him and take the material from his hands. She smiled and lifted up his collar, winding the clothing gently around his neck.

"Did I make her angry?" Jaune asked. "I didn't mean to."

"It's fine. Weiss is... I'm sure she will calm down in a few days. I hope she will, anyway. Perhaps for now she feels she needs to prove herself." She tightened the tie to his neck and stepped back. "There. Does that feel okay?"

It did feel better and he nodded. The two paused when they heard a commotion come from the bathroom, however. "You can't wear that," Weiss' voice came through easily, "It's not part of the uniform. Take it off!"

"No! I can't!"

"I said take it off! You're a part of this team and we need to set an image. You can't just run around defying the rules. If you want to study here, you need to stop being such a child!"

Jaune glanced at Pyrrha, who sighed and shook her head. "Shouldn't we do something?" he asked.

"Weiss?" Pyrrha called, "We'll need to head off soon if we want to make it to breakfast." The reminder had his stomach growling but he cut it off as the bathroom door opened and Weiss dragged Ruby outside by her hood. It was a hood that she'd added onto her uniform, and the younger girl clung to it grimly.

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