Chapter 15 - Fleeced

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Chapter 15

Hey guys. I just wanted to make you all aware of something, so please do read this – even if you normally don't. I'll Tl;dr it right now, and then explain. Ahem...

This fic will, after this week, always be updated on a Thursday instead of a Wednesday.

Now for reasoning. It's still going to be once a week, but the current deadline system doesn't work well with this. Originally, WS was supposed to be 5k a chapter at most, but it has ballooned out from that and also become quite the popular story. As such, I don't want to rush it, which is what I currently have to do. I slam this out Tuesday night – after Entertainer – when I'm already exhausted. College Fool rarely gets to see more than half, and that's a shame too.

Last week, the burglary mixed things up, but I actually found it easier to write this for a Thursday. College Fool got to see the chapter, I had time to go over it for mistakes, and the whole thing flowed better. As such, I've made the decision to make Thursday the new update day for this fic. Here it is on Wednesday this week, but from now on, it will be Thursdays.

This is actually quite an exciting step for me (which is ironic, since to everyone else it's a mere one day change). College Fool really does help, however, and a chance to have an extra day to write this and for CF to see it is going to let me up the quality.

Beta: College Fool

Cover Art: Kegi Springfield

Chapter 15 – Fleeced

Yang didn't know what to do.

It felt like a recurring theme, really.

She hadn't known what to do when it was time for them all to go out and hit Vale, and she opened the door to come face-to-face with another bouquet of flowers. She hadn't known what to do when Jaune looked at her expectantly, and she hadn't known what to do when she noticed several people in the corridor, watching the event with starry-eyed expressions.

She'd just sort of... gone with it. The flowers now had a new home within the grenade canister, the old ones having finally died the day before, and against all odds, the trip to Vale had now somehow become maybe, kind of, perhaps a date. She wasn't sure if it was official or not. She was confused, a little out of her depth, and currently walking with one hand linked with Jaune's.

She didn't know what to do!

He hadn't even asked her out, or at least not in any way she'd noticed. He'd just sort of come with flowers, complimented her, and then – while she was reeling – asked if she was ready for their date. She'd said yes, mostly because her brain had only been functioning at half-power, the rest suffering its own thermonuclear meltdown. Also, Blake could go to hell. Yang had looked to her for advice, only to see the dark-haired girl hide herself behind Nora. So much for teammates looking out for one another... she would remember this betrayal, the next time Blake needed a hand.

Okay, take deep breaths, Yang thought. Ignore his cologne too, even if it does smell kind of nice. No, bad Yang! She allowed Jaune to guide her, ears still tuned out from the others as she focused on calming her raging heart. This was okay, this was fine – she was in control. Okay, she wasn't, but she could pretend she was! There was nothing unusual about this. She was only holding hands with the guy, and that wasn't a big thing at all. Heck, she'd wrestled with guys in Signal and there'd been less drama. Holding hands was a thing she'd done with her dad when she was younger – it wasn't anything special.

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