Chapter 9 - Heart Bleat

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Another week; another chapter. I'm glad to see out of 8,000 words of the last, everyone focused on the truly important part of Ruby biting him.

Stay classy guys... never change. xD

Beta: College Fool

Cover Art: Kegi Springfield

Chapter 9 – Heart Bleat

For Yang, it was like every birthday rolled up into one. If their dad were here, he might have disagreed, but as she looked down on her sister, whose face was as red as her hood, she couldn't bring herself to care. "So basically," Yang grinned, "you gave him a hickey?"

"Nooooo!" Ruby cried. "I've told you, it's not like that! Jaune was carrying me-"

"Bridal style," Nora interjected. The orange-haired girl then held up her hand in time to catch the high-five Yang sent her way.

"T-That doesn't matter. I fell asleep. It didn't mean anything!"

"Are you saying you fell asleep in his arms?"

"Yaaaang," Ruby's face fell onto the table and she groaned into the woodwork. "You're the worst sister ever! We didn't sle- we didn't do anything like that. I fell asleep studying and Jaune carried me back to my room because Weiss couldn't lift me."

Yang nodded solemnly, in understanding and acceptance. She placed a hand on her sister's shoulder and looked her straight in the eye. "And that's when you gave him a hickey." she said.

The cookie bounced off her face. "You suck," Ruby grumbled.

"And you suck a bit too hard," Yang retorted. "Oh, my little sis – all grown up and marking her man."

"Ya-ang!" Ruby growled. "It wasn't like that, I swear."

"See, I would believe you sis... but first of all, you say you fell asleep studying, right?"


"Since when do you do anything like that?"

"Erk!" Ruby's face went red. "I-I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm going to study more."

"Sure you are," Yang grinned. "Don't worry Rubes, your big sis is a cool girl. She knows what it means when a guy and girl go for a 'study session'." She made sure to hold her fingers up in big comma signs as she said those two words.

"No, no, no, no, no," Ruby whipped her hands back and forth. "Weiss, tell her, please."

The white-haired girl sighed and leaned on the cafeteria table. "Ruby does tell the truth," she said. "I found her asleep after having studied through some course material, and I did call Jaune to help carry her."

"Poo," Yang groaned, "That's less fun."

"But," Weiss smirked, "I didn't make her talk about him in her sleep... that was all Ruby."

Yang's head pivoted, eyes sparkling in anticipation.

"WEISS!" Ruby cried, waving her hands furiously. "Don't listen to her, she's lying! It's not true! Tell them it's not true, Jaune!" she begged.

"It's not true," Jaune said dutifully.

"At least try and sound convincing!" Ruby's voice rose in pitch. "Argh, you tell them, Pyrrha. Tell them you didn't hear me say it!"

"I don't know," Pyrrha paused to think with a gleam I her emerald eyes. "Was this before or after he tucked you into bed?"


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