Chapter 13 - While Shepherds Watch

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Here is another chapter of White Sheep, I hope you enjoy. We move into the next story arc now, but enough prattle from me.

College Fool only really got a chance to beta half of this due to problems on my end. My car has started to play up and may need to be replaced soon, which means all sorts of irritating drama as I try to find time for that. Cars are not my forte. Never been interested in them and can't even tell what brands are good or bad, etc...

Beta: College Fool

Cover Art: Kegi Springfield

Chapter 13 – While Shepherds Watch

"Oh, thank god," Yang gasped as she staggered out of the classroom. "Any longer listening to that and I think my brain would have abandoned me and run off to Vacuo. Oobleck's class is the worst."

"Hey," Jaune complained, feeling a little offended on behalf of his favourite teacher. "I think he's a good teacher. He's really passionate about his job and he definitely knows his stuff." Plus, the man was always willing to go off on a tangent and explain something, so long as it was history-related. He could have made them work from books but didn't.

"Jaune, you're one of the only people who can actually understand him," Pyrrha giggled.

Really? Jaune looked towards the others in confusion, but they all nodded along. Well, all except for Blake, who was engrossed in another one of her books. "I'm not sure what's not to understand," he said. "I mean, he just talked about the faunus war. I didn't think it was anything too hard."

"Less the content and more the delivery," Yang sighed. "He talks at a thousand words per minute. I've no idea how you can keep pace."

"One of my Uncles, Watts, used to get just as fast when he talked about the things he was interested in." Usually politics, though the focus was more on how to subvert and manipulate than to actually work in it. "I guess I must have picked it up from him."

"It's still not good that a teacher speaks too quickly to be understood," Weiss said. "He should slow down to the level most people can work at. How are we supposed to learn, otherwise?"


"It's the principle of the matter."

"Enough about lessons," Nora decided. "We've got all afternoon off and the evening too. We should do something. We should have an adventure, visit Vale, or maybe hold another game tournament. Renny wants to face off against Jauney again, don't you?"

"I wouldn't go that far," Ren chuckled. Despite that, he didn't say no, and he shot an expectant look towards him. Jaune wished he could accept, but...

"We've got team training," Ruby said, crushing Nora's dreams in an instant. "Sorry."

"Wha-? But there's no class."

"That's no reason not to try and improve ourselves," Weiss lectured. "We're going to do some personal training our own to identify weaknesses and see how we can address them as a team."

Jaune nodded along, having known the general plan from the morning. What Weiss didn't say, and what he was secretly looking forward to, was that she'd actually organised the training to help him after his loss against Cardin. She phrased it as the reputation of the team, but Ruby had been quick to point out it was more likely because Weiss cared about her partner and didn't want to see him knocked around. He could still remember the look on Weiss' face when he asked if that was true. She claimed it wasn't, and that she was simply making sure he wasn't a moron, but they did say actions spoke louder than words. Maybe she wasn't as cold and demanding as he'd first thought. Maybe she just pretended to be like that, and in reality, she was as sweet and kind as his mother.

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