Chapter 31

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Due to me having to spend all of  yesterday with a client for work, I didn't have time to write this for  CF to see. The chapter plan was sent over and discussed, but not the  chapter itself.

Beta: College Fool

Cover Art: Kegi Springfield

Chapter 31 – Black and White

It  was an awkward procession of eight teenagers who made their way through  the deserted industrial sector of Vale. Though he'd never been here  himself, Jaune could tell it must have once been a centre for factories  and more. Many now lay empty, though given that it was almost ten at  night, they could have just as easily been abandoned for the day. Even  so, some were boarded over and in clear need of repair.

"Is this  the place?" he asked, ducking down into a covered alcove where the  others were crouched. "It certainly looks abandoned enough."

"This  is it," Blake confirmed. "According to the message, it should be that  warehouse over there." She pointed to one perhaps three or four hundred  metres away, and true to her word, there was an unusual congregation of  people by it. Unusual in the sense that there were people there at all,  even before the suspicious way they moved around was any indication.

"It certainly looks like the message was accurate," Ren said. "Blake, do you have the masks?"

"I do." Blake fished them out, and handed them around the group. "I'm not sure we should all enter together, however."

Weiss flashed the faunus an odd look. "What do you mean?"

"Well,  your hair is back to normal for one." Blake nodded to the white locks,  which had shed their final green tint in the shower that morning. "Even  beyond that, this is the actual White Fang we'll be dealing  with. We got through the other guys because they're the amateur branch,  but we're dealing with professionals now. Professional killers," she  added, leaning forward. "They're not going to make the same mistake, and  you're easily recognised."

"Pyrrha, too," Yang agreed, flashing  an apologetic smile. "I see Blake's point. Your disguise was to wear  sunglasses and claim you're a bat faunus, but this meeting is in the  middle of the night. It's a little weird to do that now, if you could  even see with them on."

"I see your point," Pyrrha said, removing  them with a relieved sigh. "Still, what should we do now? Even with the  masks, Weiss will be easily recognised."

"We could split up," Jaune suggested.

Everyone turned to look at him.

"W-Well,  think about it like this," he said. "Blake and Nora are the ones who  snuck in before, and Ren and Yang are unknowns to most of them, so won't  be recognised. Yang also has the best disguise with her hair, and Ren's  eyes aren't something that can be faked. Team RYBN wouldn't have too  many problems getting in."

"That's true," Ren mused. "Where would that leave you and your team?"

"Backup  and support, I guess. We can be look outs, or help you guys if you need  it." Basically, anything that meant he didn't need to go in and  potentially be recognised by Roman Torchwick. "That's my idea, anyway."

The  others looked between themselves for a moment, before Blake nodded and  turned back to him. "It's not a bad one. Our goal here is only to find  out what their plans are. If all goes well, we won't have to fight at  all, so the size of the infiltrating party will be safer if it's small.  As Jaune says, it's Team WJRP who has the easily recognised members on  their team. If you could take up positions around the building in case  something goes wrong..."

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