Chapter 23

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College Fool will be busy this whole week, so won't have as much input as normal on these. On an unrelated note, my account page has been updated here, now showing the next set of stories to come out once my others end. Some are different from what was on there previously, while one is an old, old idea that I deleted a long time ago, but which has come back.

To answer a question I've received once or twice; yes, this fic is a fun little romp of amusement for me. I am indeed making fun of some things, and as people have noticed, including things I said I never would, but also taking the mickey a little bit.

It's a sort of... self-aware mockery. Take it however you will.

Beta: College Fool

Cover Art: Kegi Springfield

Chapter 23 – Feathers and Wool

Jaune wasn't sure what to think of his new mentor.

He wasn't sure why he suddenly had a mentor either, or why no one else did, but here he was outside on one of Beacon's training areas, the ragged man stood beside him. Qrow Branwen had his hands on his hips, a stern, almost complicated, expression on his face. Red eyes looked down on him judgmentally, and those might have been intimidating were it not for Jaune being more used to red than not.

Well, the much smaller girl hopping frantically around him didn't help either.

"I need training," Ruby chirped, hopping in the air. She fell out of line of sight, or at least the line of sight Jaune had while meeting Qrow's eyes. With a huff, she appeared once more, arms waving. "Train me, Uncle Qrow."

"So," Qrow rasped. "You're Jaune Arc, huh? I've heard a lot about you."

"I need to get stronger!"

"You've heard of me?" Jaune asked. He laughed nervously. "Nothing bad, I hope?"

Qrow didn't answer.

Ruby jumped up, "Stop ignoring me!"

"Ozpin's asked me to keep an eye on your training. Set you on the right path. Now, I don't normally do this-"

Jaune tilted his head to the side. "Aren't you a teacher?"

"Okay, so I do normally do this, but not for smart-mouthed brats. The only reason I'm even considering this is because Ozpin asked." Qrow shrugged. "That and I'm kind of hoping my Semblance might kick in on you."

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, kid... I was just thinking how- OW!" Qrow yelped and drew back his hand. He waved it in the air and stared down and to the left. "You... you bit me!"

"You taste bad!" Ruby growled, as if that were somehow his fault. "Also, stop ignoring me. I'm your niece!"

"I wasn't ignoring you. I was choosing not to answer you."

"It's the same thing!" Ruby roared. "Why are you training Jaune? Why does he get training when I don't? Why didn't you tell us you were coming to Beacon? Do you teach here now? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I don't want you embarrassing me!"

Qrow raised an eyebrow. "You done, squirt?"

"Yeah," Ruby blinked. "I think so. Do I get to join in on the training then?"


"Uncle Qrow!"

Jaune looked between the two, feeling faintly confused and also a little out of the loop. "Am I even involved in the conversation anymore? This is ridiculous."

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