Chapter 27

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I've been a bit ill for the last two days, so hopefully this didn't suffer much. I feel like it did a little since even College Fool pointed out that there were a weird amount of spelling and punctuation mistakes, which I am normally fairly good at avoiding.

Ugh... I hate being sick. I don't stop working during it, but I sure as hell do feel nasty. Blocked nose, sore throat, always tired, the usual nonsense. I don't count it as being actually sick unless I'm vomiting or at risk of passing out though, so it's okay.

Beta: College Fool

Cover Art: Kegi Springfield

Chapter 27 - The Sheep with Eight Legs

"I want it on record that I think this is a bad idea."

"Weiss, you've said that so many times it wouldn't be a record, it would be an album." Yang ran a hand through her hair, which was a little wilder than usual.

"Well that just shows how serious I am, doesn't it?"

"What, that you're serious about whining?"

Blake rounded on them with eyes narrowed behind her White Fang mask. "Guys, can you take this a little more seriously, please? I'm not sure if you're aware, but we're walking down the street dressed as White Fang. We don't need to be seen right now."

There wasn't much chance of that, what with this being a rundown and almost abandoned part of Vale. He hadn't been here long enough to know such places existed, and had honestly thought Vale was as busy all over as it was on the main streets. There was a certain something missing here. The houses looked rundown, the streets dirty and unclean, and what few people there were looked their way only long enough to increase their pace and move away.

"Lovely area," Remy groused. "The people are so friendly too. It really is a great example of life in the city."

"Be nice, Remy. I'm sure they have their reasons."

"Yeah, probably that you're all a bunch of faunus supremacists at the moment. You know, if you wanted to crush humanity and bring equality to the world, we could have done that without leaving home."

"I don't want to destroy the world," he thought. "Also, equality... really, Remy?"

"Grimm don't judge. Not like humans. We treat everyone equal."

"In that you kill everyone."

"Regardless of race, culture, or additional body parts." Remy somehow managed to sound proud as he said that, which was odd given how much he harped on about humans being worthless. Wasn't that the token definition of racism? "Also, how do you all expect this to work? There's no way they won't have something to check if you're a faunus or not. You can't just pretend to be a Grimm by wearing a mask, so I doubt this'll work either."

Yeah, he'd been thinking the same. It was only the quiet – if strained – confidence Blake displayed that kept him from voicing his fears. If she thought it would work, it probably would. She knew these people better than he did. Honestly, he didn't want to be here at all. This was a bad idea, both in terms of the danger and the eventual promise of running into Torchwick again. On that, he agreed with Weiss. He just wished she wouldn't be quite so eager to chase after the White Fang as well. Between her and Blake, the two teams were pretty much stuck.

It didn't help that Ruby wanted to do the right thing, even if that meant diving into a volcano – and Pyrrha was so ridiculously nice that she'd probably hop straight in after her.

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