Chapter 29

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Here we are, and here we go.

Beta: College Fool

Cover Art: Kegi Springfield

Chapter 29 – Studding

Weiss stapled a smile to her face and tried her hardest not to scream.

"So, how did you meet my sister?"

"Oh, it was before initiation," Jaune said, his head leaning back as though in thought. "She was talking to someone and I was lost looking for my locker. I guess you could say we just bumped into one another."

This could not be happening. It was a disaster, an unmitigated disaster. The three of them were sat on a small, ornate chair and table in one of the more secluded areas of Beacon, a dining facility set aside solely for visiting dignitaries and guests. The food was better than what was served in the cafeteria, and they were sat under a shaded veranda on a patio by the gardens. The sun was shining, the breeze pleasant, and her sister was busy interrogating her apparent boyfriend.

The day couldn't get any worse.

Theoretically, at least.

She had a feeling Jaune would beat the odds. He usually did.

"And your relationship started from there?"

"I'd say no to that. We kind of didn't get on at first. I almost knocked her over, and she wasn't exactly pleased about it."

"That certainly sounds like my sister. What happened afterwards?"

"Well, we didn't exactly talk again, but we ended up being paired together in initiation." Jaune shrugged awkwardly. "I guess we just sort of came together after that. It was all fairly sudden."

Weiss' eye twitched. Yes, that was a fairly accurate summation. The relationship had been very sudden, as in all of twenty minutes ago and without so much as a single flirtation between them. She dabbed her lips with her napkin and decided to cut in before Jaune could somehow muck it up.

"It's a new relationship," she said. "We've not been together long, but that was why we were out having dinner."

"It was our first real date," Jaune confirmed.

"I see..." Winter regarded him curiously, but not with any real disdain. Whether that meant Winter approved or was simply forming her own judgments internally, there was no telling. Her sister could be subtle like that. "Tell me a little about yourself then, Jaune. I'd like to get to know my sister's paramour a little more closely."

Okay, not good – not good at all. Weiss shifted closer to him and laughed nervously. "Winter, isn't it a little too soon for that kind of thing? Jaune and I have only been dating for-"

"I have to make sure he's good enough for you, Weiss. As your older sister, it's my responsibility." Winter's smile was all teeth. "Please Jaune, go on..."

"Uh well, my name is Jaune Arc and I'm from a large family. I'm a huntsman-in-training, and a part of Team WJRP serving under Weiss." He kept the details light, and Weiss nodded happily. At least he wasn't being a complete idiot. Actually, he was doing fairly well, and he knew his manners. His napkin was on his lap, elbows off the table, and he ate like a gentleman. In that, she knew Winter would be pleased. "My dream is to bring peace to Remnant and stop all the pointless fighting that goes on."

"You wish to unite the Kingdoms?" Winter asked. She regarded him with a shrewd eye. "That is either an ambitious dream or a foolish one. Most would call it impossible."

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