The Letter

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Houses and ages
Lily-Luna Potter,Hugo Granger-Weasley,Michael Wood,Jasmine Thomas-Finnigan (11)(Surprise House)
Lorcan Scamander(Hufflepuff)Lysander Scamander(Ravenclaw),Louis Delacour-Weasley(Hufflepuff)(12)
Albus Severus Potter(Slytherin),Rose Granger-Weasley (Gryffindor),Scorpius Malfoy(Slytherin)Penelope Parkinson(Gryffindor)(13)
Lucy Weasley(Gryffindor),Dominique Delacour-Weasley(Gryffindor),Alice Longbottom(Gryffindor),Frank Longbottom (Gryffindor)(14)
James Sirius Potter(Gryffindor),Roxanne Weasley(Gryffindor),Fred Weasley II(Gryffindor)(15)
Molly Weasley(Gryffindor)Victorie Delacour-Weasley(Ravenclaw)(16)
Teddy Lupin(Hufflepuff)(17)
(A/N I know they don't all go to Hogwarts at the same time but I thought it would be interesting)
It was a month before Hogwarts starts again. All the Potter/Weasley clan were excited of course. The Golden Marauders (which include the whole Weasley clan except Victorie and Teddy even though he was the founder of it when he was younger but now he was "too grown up" or a "hypocritically wanker" as James has stated,it also includes the Longbottom's and Scamander's as they are basically family too) were happy to be back so they can get on and prank they poor unsuspecting people of Hogwarts.

Lily woke up bright and early as always. She couldn't wait for September 1st as it was her first year. Lily comes running down the stairs screaming excitedly "MOMMY HAS IT COME YET!!!!!!!Has my letter come?!?!!" No matter any day it was Lily was the alarm clock for the whole family since she was little.But today she was extra loud and super excited. Today she was supposed to be getting her Hogwarts letter.

Ginny turns around and says in a sweet voice that she often used, "No,not yet sweetheart.I'm sure it will come soon.Why don't you go wake up your siblings?Then come back down and eat some pancakes.Sound good?"

Lily's eyes lit up and smiled mischievously then turned on her heel and ran up the stars at lightning speed. "James!!!Albus!!!!Wake up!!Mom has pancakes!!!!" She screamed as she ran through the hallway.

James stepped out of his room and turned to his sister, who was leaning against the wall opposite of him. "Bloody hell Lily do you have to yell every freaking morning?!? For once I liked to sleep without your screaming!!!" James yelled angrily but also in a groggy voice, since he just woke up curtesy of Lily's screaming.

" because you will just complain about not getting enough pancakes if we don't wake you up and today I get my hogwarts letter!!!! Lily retorted.She squealed very loudly much to James' displeasure.

As Ginny continues to flip the pancakes she hears the arguing, "Kids!Stop fighting please and come down for breakfast!" Ginny yelled loud enough for Lily and James to hear upstairs.Lily and James looked at each other then ran at the speed of light downstairs to the dining room where Ginny would serve them breakfast. "That means you too Al!You can read or plan the prank or whatever your doing later!" Ginny yelled up the stairs as she saw only James and Lily at the table.

Albus rolls his eyes as he steps off his bed and yells back down the stairs, "Ok,ok I'm coming!" He yelled back a little annoyed as he was  reading Hogwarts:A History for the millionth time.He walked out of his room then walked downstairs to the dining room where his siblings were sitting.

Ginny looks out of the small rectangle window above the kitchen sink to see a brown owl flying closer and closer. It landed on the window seal and held out his leg for Ginny to take  the three letters attached. Ginny grabs an owl snack from a jar on the counter top and gives it to the brown owl.He hoots happily then flies right back out the window. Ginny Walks into the dinning room then puts James' and Albus' letters on the table. Ginny waves the letter in front of Lily then says in a sweet sing-songy voice, "Oh! Look at what I got from the post." Lily smiled so wide that you could see all her teeth and squealed as her mother handed her the letter. "Sit down and open it,no wait Al get your dad so he can see Lily open it,"Albus runs to Harry's and Ginny's room and comes back with Harry.

Harry Potter Next Generation-Lily's first yearWhere stories live. Discover now