The Not-So-Destroyed Room

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Suddenly a figure appears from behind the tree. She has long silvery hair that flows with the breeze and pail,fair skin. "Hello Lily. I'm Delphini Riddle you can call me Delphi" She says in a high pitched voice that's surprisingly calming. She extends her hand for Lily to take and the shake "Nice to finally meet you" Lily says smiling.

"You too!" Delphi says smiling.

They lower their hands "So we're not going to practice out here are we?" Lily asks looking around in the darkness.

"No we're not I was thinking you might have a place in mind so we're not disturbed" Delphi asks tilting her head.

"Ummm I don't think so...wait the room of requirement but I don't know if it got totally destroyed at 'The Battle Of Hogwarts'" She says with a shake of her head.

"I have a feeling it isn't but how are we supposed to get there" Delphi said wistfully and pretending to think.

"You can use the invisibility cloak I know where it is so just follow me!" Lily exclaims then throws the cloak over Delphi. They have a quiet, long walk up to the 7th floor. Lily walks up to a blank wall then starts chanting in her head i want a room where I can practice my magic with Delphi and no one could find out then as if it were magic a door appears. Lily smiles and they both walk in, Delphi still under the cloak. Once they are inside Delphi takes off the cloak. "This is totally awesome!" Lily says amazed, looking around the room that looks awfully a lot like the D.A. room.

"It is! Good job Lily!" Delphi exclaims.

"So what are we gonna learn first?" Lily asks excitedly.

"We are just going to see what powers you have can you tell me what powers you know about" Delphi informs her and Lily smile faults.

"Telekinesis,Empathy,Telepathy and Transfiguration... oh and also conjuring" Lily lists off. Lily was supposed to get them in month intervals but being as powerful as she is, she got them much quicker.

"Those are some pretty cool powers can you show me?"

"Ok...." She holds out her hand and an apple appears then it turns into a sword and flies with force across the room, striking a dummy in its chest.

Delphi claps with enthusiasm "That was amazing Lily! But can you fly? Without a broom?"

"Fly?!" Lily asks wide eyed.

"Yeah fly...without a broom like this" She jumps into the air and flies in a circle then lands on the ground again.Lily smiles excitedly.

"That is sooo cool you have to teach me!!" She looks at watch "it's almost curfew I have to get to bed but I will come tomorrow before classes start"Delphi nods and Lily runs out the room.


Lysander is at the Hufflepuff table,his head on it,being comforted by Lorcan and Louis. Lorcan sighs and walks over to the Gryffindor table where he sees James. "James what is with your sister why'd she break up with sander?" Lorcan asks.

"I don't know she seems a little off her rocker lately and frankly it's quite scary"James responds with a shrug.

"Ya think?! My twin over there" He points to the Hufflepuff table and Lysander has his head on the table and Louis comforting him,or trying. "Is dieing and she won't even talk to him try and get her to talk to him please so me and Louis will stop hearing about it."Lorcan sighs.

"He's that broken?" James asks.

"Yes he's really upset about the break up but it's even worse that she's pretending he doesn't exist" Lorcan replies, both of them glancing at Lysander.

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