Finding Lily

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It's been an hour and there was still no sign or any news of Lily. Hugo, Michael, Jasmine, Lysander, James, Rox ,and Fred are in the great hall for study hall but aren't studying at all because they are worried about Lily. Albus runs up to James, "James I just heard what's going on it's all over the school what's wrong with Lily?!" Albus asks James with a raised voice and a nervous tone.

"I don't know she has like some cursed necklace and she's missing but Minnie said to do nothing and let the grown ups handle it mom and dad are probably with her now" James replied looking up at his younger brother.

Think!Think Al! How can we help? Albus thought to himself. "The Marauders Map! We can find her on that! James go get it!" Albus exclaimed. James was not supposed to have the map at all but he nicked it from his dad's office before his first year. Now everyone in the Golden Marauders uses it.

"Gave it to Rox" James said turning to Rox.

"Well I gave it to Fred" Rox replied.

"I gave it to Lorcan and Louis"

"They gave it to me but I gave it to Dommie" Lysander said.

"We can't get to her she'll be in class" Albus said disappointed.

"No she won't she'll be on the quidditch pitch practicing, it's her free period" They all look at Hugo with questioning looks then he went on, "Me and Lily memorized all your schedules... which means Lily might already have it we have to go" They all get up and head to the quidditch pitch.

They reach the quidditch pitch and see Dominique doing laps on her broom, "Dom!Come down here!" Fred yelled up at her.

She notices they're there and she flies her broom down and hops off, "What's up Freddie?" She asks Fred as if he's the only one there.

"Do you have the Marauders map?!"Albus almost screamed at her.

"Uhh no Lily took it from me you just missed her" Dominique replied, a little off put by Albus' volume.

"Damn it!"James said angrily. This was their chance to help and it was gone.

"Woah what's up Jamie"Dominique asked surprised.

"Did you not hear what happened?!"Hugo said a little too loud.

Lysander's mind was spinning then he had an idea and started to run off. Albus yelled after him, "Sander where are you going?!"

"I think I know where Luna went! Stay here!" He said before sprinting into the castle and up the steps. He climbed all the steps to a tall tower. He opened the door and sees Lily sitting curled up and her head in her knees. She was crying. Lysander walked up to her and sat next to her, "Luna tell me what's wrong, I'm here to help" He said in a calming voice.

"W-Why are y-you here Ly-Lynn? It's n-not like y-you ca-care about m-m-me!" Lily said sniffling and stuttering and not sounding like herself at all.

"What? Luna that's not true! I care about you so much and so do all the people that are looking for you." He told her still in a calming voice.

"I'm a freak!" She said with her voice rising then she said, "I don't know what's wrong Lynn the necklace is making me feel angry emotions and have all this power" Lily said whispering and more stable then at the start of the conversation.

"What would make you say that? Luna you are not a freak. And I know because I know you! You know how I found you? We sat on your roof all the time. You'd go their when you got angry or sad. I know you Luna and I can tell you you are not a freak. It's the necklace. Take it off please." Lysander said calmly and scooted closer to Lily.

Harry Potter Next Generation-Lily's first yearWhere stories live. Discover now