Back to school

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It's been 2 weeks since Lily left home. Lily walks down the stairs. "ugh!!do I have to go back to school?!" Lily complained to her mother who was sitting on the couch reading the Daily Profit.

"It'll be fine that boy is still suspended and you have your brothers who are very happy that you are coming back and so is all your friends especially Lysander" Ginny gives a knowing smile but Lily pretends not to see "so you will be fine and it's your first year so it shouldn't be all bad you should have fun"

"Says the one who got possessed in her first year" Lily retorted

"Yes mine was not particularly fun and now that I think about it neither was your dad so we want yours to be better and also no use if those powers ok they can be dangerous" Ginny said putting down the paper.

"Duh that's why I have had lessons with Minnie to help me keep them under control"Lily said

"Alright go get your stuff"Lily grabs her stuff then they floo to McGonagall's office.

"Ah my favorite Potter coming back to school at last"McGonagall said with a smile.

"Hi Minnie" Lily said joyfully

"Hello Lily It's breakfast so go to the great hall and see your friends while I talk to your mother" McGonagall said then Lily gave her mother a hug and ran to the great hall.

Lily steps into the great hall and sees Lysander. She runs up behind him and jumps on his back, "Lynn!I missed you!"

She jumps off and he hugs her "Luna!!"

"You missed me?"Lily said with a smile.

"Of course Luna!"He said with a smile that was made only for her.

She blushed slightly "Where's my brothers?" She asked Lysander as she looked around the great hall and didn't see them or even her friends.

"Oh they are at the quidditch pitch"Lysander said if that explained everything.

"Oh..Why?"Lily said confused because Lysander didn't explain

"James challenged Rose to a quidditch match and they got to pick 4 other people for their teams and we just thought everyone should go there to see you when you came back" Lysander said half laughing

"Well James is gonna lose" She rolled her eyes "What was he thinking?"

"I don't know he's your brother" Lysander said with a shrug

"True,If everyone is at the pitch why are you here" She asked with a questioningly look

"They volunteered me to come and get you" Lysander said

"Ahh ok so you wouldn't have come if they didn't force you?" Lily asked as she crossed her arms.

"No!No I would've definitely come"He assured her.

"Good now let's go see Rose crush James" Lily said and Lysander smiled at her then they walked to the quidditch pitch

Michael looks up from his book to see Rose and James still fighting then he sees a little past them Lily and Lysander are walking towards the pitch. Michael nudged Jasmine and Hugo, "Look it's Lily!" They get up and run down to greet her.But before they can get to her Albus and James see her. James stops arguing with Rose and runs to her. Albus and James run to her and embrace her in a hug.

"Where's the fire bros?" Lily asks as they let go of her.

"We've missed you Lils duh!" James said

Lily rolled her eyes "Whatever you say."

"Yeah don't trust him I missed you Lils" Albus said sincerely.

"I appreciate it Al" Lily says with a laugh "So James why'd you want to get your butt kicked by Rose at quidditch"

James puts his hand over his heart. "How dare you Lily Luna! I've never been more hur..." He trailed off.Just seeing Alice pass walking with her brother Frank.

"You've never been more hur?" She follows his eyes to see Alice. Lily rolls her eyes. "How about you yo play yeah?" James snaps out of it. But only nods and then goes back to the pitch.

James' team is him, Rox, Fred,Dominique and Louis. James and Louis are chasers, Dominique is a seeker, Rox is the Keeper and Fred is the beater. Rose's team is her,Lucy, Hugo,Albus and Molly. Lucy and Hugo are chasers, Albus is a seeker, Rose is the keeper an Molly is the beater. Rose's team one by 250-230.

"I call a rematch" James said as they landed on the pitch.

"Don't be a sore loser James! We won fair and square." Molly said pushing him.

"Yeah Jamie don't be a sore loser!" Lily spat.

James rolled his eyes.

"Do you want to see something cool?" Lily asked everyone with raised eyebrows.

"Maybe..depending what it is because I don't trust that look your giving us right now" Hugo said.

"I can show you the amulet magic I have!" Lily said with her eyes lighting up

"Is that safe Potter, I mean you don't want to blow up something right." Scorpius said inching closer to Al and away from Rose as she always wants to hold his hand or touch him and he doesn't like it.

She glares at Malfoy then said, "mind your own business Malfoy! Why don't you go and snog Rose or something!" Lily said triumphantly. Everyone knew that they were dating by then because James had caught them snogging in a hallway. The only one they were worried about telling parents was Lily and they made her Weasley swear to not tell.

"Both of you stop acting like children" Rose said sternly to both of them and they stopped immediately.

"I'm gonna do it if you don't wanna watch that's your loss!" She picked up a closed flower bud from the grass and held it in her hand then it bloomed. She threw it up and came back down in little sparkles like fireworks. Lily took a bow as they clapped. "I can do more but Mom said not to because as Malfoy stated I could blow someone up!" She glanced at Scorpius.

"We have to get to class Lils yeah?" Hugo says looking at her

"Ok let's go" Her, Hugo, Michael and Jasmine say bye and then walk to charms.

1047 words

Harry Potter Next Generation-Lily's first yearWhere stories live. Discover now