Author's Note

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Greetings and Salutations. This is my first fanfic.(well technically, my second but I deleted my Sherlock fanfic) I do not own Heathers or FNAF. So, before we get to the first chapter, I'm just going to lay out the events so you guys can understand.

1. No one died (except JD's mom) prior to this book. Which means Heather Chandler, JD, Kurt and Ram are alive and fine.

2. This is also a happy au, where all of them can get along fine. Kurt, Ram and the Heathers don't pick on Martha. JD is chill with all of them.

3. This is a modern au.

4. This is also a supernatural au. They all have magical abilities. 

Veronica is a witch and medium, her magical abilities include shapeshifting, healing and dark combat magic, spell casting, potion making and is able to see ghosts and able to separate souls from bodies. She also has a wand disguised as a monocle that when used, allows her to see disguised beings in their true form.

JD is a half demon from his dad's side, his powers include teleportation, shapeshifting, possession, flight, body manipulation, telepathy, biokinesis and mind control.

Heather Chandler is a vampire, she can only shapeshift into a bat, she can't get hurt by the sun, she also has super speed and super sense, spits venom, and also hypnotise.

Heather Duke is a witch, her powers include healing, invisibility, transfiguration and telekinesis. She hasn't reach Veronica's power level. She has no magical item yet unlike Veronica.

Heather McNamara is a nephilim from her mother's side, her powers include flight, healing, enhanced durability, strength, teleportation, mental projection and sedation.

Martha is a fairy, she can cast spells, flight, reality warping, and magic.

Kurt and Ram are werewolves, they can shift into their wolf form anytime they want, both have powerful claws and fangs, super strength, enhanced agility, super speed and senses.

5. No one else but their parents and each other knows.

6. They bond over their magical abilities at the start of high school (JD came later because the whole moving around thing, but he got along with them too).

7. Kurt and Ram are not rapists, but they are kind of still a little dimwitted. Instead of them both picking on JD, it's some other assholes.

8. Martha did not get pranked, but she still went to the party but didn't stick around too long because she got bored (smart choice). Also the piñata thing never happened, but Veronica did puked on Chandler by accident. Chandler got embarrassed and was gonna end their friendship. So Veronica did the whole dead girl walking thing with JD. But after giving the hangover cure the next day to Chandler, Chandler decides to forgive her.

9. JD's mom dies the same way, and JD is not psycho. But still has the strange slushy addiction.

10. JD and Veronica are dating. So is Kurt and Ram (because I love my living gay sons) Chandler and McNamara too. Martha and Duke are single for now.

And that's all to know. See you guys on the next chapter!

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