Cut the bullshit, Ronnie

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 Chandler and JD had been walking around aimlessly, getting more irritated as time went by. They were getting nowhere, it seems they have been walking in circles. 

"Wonder how the others are going...." Chandler spoke up after a long pause, her eyes were dull with dark circles around them, her shoulders hunched over and her knees barely steady. She looked over at JD, who true to his parentage, looked like hell. 

His face was paler than normal, eyes were dark with worry and exhaustion, his massive wings were dragging on the floor behind him.

"Well..better than us, I suppose...." JD laughed unhumorously, voice aching at the same time.  

They both look up to see the same thick fog that Martha, Kurt and Ram had witnessed. Intrigued, they stepped closer.

"Well...there are no other options..." Chandler sighed, JD's birthday has become a long endless nightmare. Pulling her jacket closer towards her, she looked at JD for confirmation.

With a nod in response, the two trudged forward into the fog.

The first thing that hit JD was the smell of burnt flesh. He frantically checked around, making sure it wasn't him on fire. 

He looked around for Chandler even calling out for her. 

No luck. 

It seems he was gonna be stuck in pitch darkness for a while.

No, the smell seemed to be from something or rather someone else.

"Jason....." A feeble and frail voice called out. 

Jason swerved around, stunned with his heart pounding furiously in his chest. More smoke started pouring in, nearly blinding the half demon. 

Out from the mist stepped out a woman, her skin was burnt to a crisp, the smell of her flesh wafted around. Some of her flesh had even burnt off revealing her bones. 

Her hair was tangled all over the place as if it hadn't been washed for days and the colour in her roots had faded. There's probably a dead rodent hidden under that bush of hair, who knows? 

The way she moved was inhuman, like a zombie. Fuck, she looks exactly like a burnt zombie. 

But what caught JD's attention the most was those dark eyes of hers. Those sad, broken eyes...

He then looked at her clothing. Black sleeveless dress with high black lace boots, and black gloves and a wide brim black sun hat. She looked like she was going to a funeral. In particular, her funeral.

JD could have sworn his heart skipped a beat. He recognised her. Even if her face was beyond recognisable, there was no mistaking those clothes or her eyes, her eyes that look exactly like his.

How could he not recognise his own mother....

The clothes she wore was the day she waved at him for the last time. His heart started pounding very fast and he started backing away from her. 

"What's wrong. JJ..." His mom outstretched her arms, like asking for a hug. "Don't you miss mommy?" 

"I-I do..." He stopped and looked down at the floor. "But never did I hoped to see you like this..."

"Come on Jason," She cooed. "Ronnie is here too..."

Suddenly, Veronica appeared by her side. But she looked very different.

Her skin was as grey as his mother's, her eyes were glassy and dull. Her clothes have been ripped and torn at, revealing a deep cut on her abdomen. The fabric was caked with dry blood and dirt. Around her mouth were droplets of blood, possibly her own. Revealed in between the huge cut was her intestines, slopping out of her shirt. 

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