I love my dead gay son

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Been a while since I updated, but anyways here it is. Enjoy! (Warning: some offensive language, trigger warning and topics in this chapter contain eating disorders, bullying, homophobia etc. Read at your own risk.)

"Ok, here's the rules-" The animatronic started, before she was rather rudely cut off by Chandler.

"It's a fucking maze, we can handled it from here, Chicken Little." Chandler shoves the ghost aside and beckons the others to follow.

"JUST REMEMBER NOT TO USE MAGIC! CAUSE THAT'S CHEATING!" She shouted at the teens before they entered the maze.

Once they entered, the entrance magically sealed itself. The six of them look ahead to see 3 different pathways.

"So...split up?" Duke suggested. "Seems like the only option." Kurt shrugged.

"Ok," Chandler spoke. "We divide into 3 groups and whoever gets to the exit first, give a signal."

After dividing into 3 groups, Martha and Duke took the first path, Kurt and Ram took the second and JD and Chandler took the third.

"How long have we been in this goddamn pizzeria?" Ram asked after the three of them spent 10 minutes wandering around aimlessly. "Centuries, my friend," Kurt yawned loudly, dragging behind them. "Fucking million centuries..."

Ram, seeing through his exhaustion, offered a piggyback ride, which brought a smile upon his boyfriend's face.

"Nothing but fog ahead..." Ram squinted at the scene in front of him. The fog kept rolling in, making it almost impossible to see the hedges.

Suddenly, they could hear whispers though unable to catch what they were saying, they could also see figures walking around in the fog that seemed to be the ones whispering.

"I say we go in." Kurt proposed.

Ram wanted to agree but on the other hand was also hesitant, it didn't sound like a good idea for they have no idea what was waiting for them on the other side. Who knows it could be a trap.

But there was also no way they could turn back..

"Fine," He sighed. "Let's get this over with." The two of them walked hand in hand and stepped into the fog.

Kurt scanned around. He seemed to be somewhere else.

Instead of a maze, he seemed to be in a room, from what he can see by the big wooden cross with Jesus hanging on the stage, he could infer that he was in a church. Instead of hedges, he could see rows of wooden benches stretched out in front of him. All of them were occupied with people dressed in black, some with veils covering their faces, some sobbing into others' arms, some shaking their heads and muttering.

Then it hit him. He was at a funeral.

But why?

"Hey dude." Kurt jumped and turned around, ready to attack, only to find Ram staring wide eyed back at him. "Bro, don't scare me like that." Ram grinned, a little sheepishly.

"So, where exactly are we?" Kurt scanned the arena.

"I'm not sure man," Ram replied. "This is some spooky shit."

But little did they know that this was not the freakiest thing in this situation.

As they neared the stage, they realised there wasn't only one coffin. Instead, there were two.

As they peeked in, Ram doubled back in horror.

For lying in both coffins, were themselves. Their doubles laid still, pale faced, hands crossed in front of their chest, football helmets on their heads.

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