You're a year closer to death

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Jason Dean laid on his bed, rereading his copy of Moby Dick. Or trying to reread anyway. His hamster, Slushy snoozed soundly by his side, curled up in a puffball of cuteness. 

It was 5 am in the morning, hardly a time to be awake. But for a half demon like him, sleep is unnecessary. 

Besides, how could he be able to sleep, when today was his birthday. 

Normally, he would have hated this day, (Big Bud would either punch him and curse for the day he was born or giving him used underwear as a present) but since coming to Sherwood, Ohio, things have been different.

 For instance, now that he was 18, he doesn't have to haul his ass around the country again or god forbid enroll in another high school. 

Besides, his birthday this year would be so much better with Veronica and the others. 

Speaking of which, Jason whipped around to see a black cat hanging out of his opened window, (the lock having broken off by the cat's claws), with hazel brown eyes, using its amazing ninja skills to climb into the room (and by that I meant, scratching at the edge of the window and make circular motions with its little feet). 

JD seeing the helpless feline dangling, quickly put his arms around its furry body and pulled it in. In gratitude, the cat purred against his leg, rubbing on it in circles. 

JD couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the move of affection.

"Okay Ronnie, you can stop now." He said, whilst scratching behind its ear.

 Hearing this, the cat  disappeared in a cloud of heavy blue fog. 

Once the fog settles, the cat was gone. 

In it's place, stood a human girl with brown curls wearing a blue blouse beneath her grey jacket and a black skirt.  Veronica Sawyer proceeded to nuzzle her boyfriend's neck.

 "Happy birthday."  She whispered in his ear. 

 JD responded by pulling her into a long passionate kiss, grinning as he did so.  

Once they broke apart, Veronica laid against his chest and snuggled up to him. 

"So was that all I'm getting from my girlfriend for my birthday?" He asked. 

 "You wish," She giggles, playfully hitting him with a pillow. "You'll see after school."

 "NO, HOW CAN I WAIT THAT LONG?!?!?!" JD feigned exasperation, and dramatically flopped onto the floor, as Veronica howled with uncontrollable laughter. 

Soon the couple were snoozing soundly, enjoying the silence before school.

~Time skip~

As soon as JD sets foot on Westerburg High, he was tackled down by a flash of yellow. 

Heather McNamara was squeezing the life out of him, to put it simply. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JASON!" 

JD shocked by the unexpected action, awkwardly puts his hands around her back and pats her back gently as a show of thanks before letting her go. 

Heather Chandler being the mythic bitch that she was, grinned like the devil at JD's facial expression.

 " Gee, Jesse James, I thought you could do better than this." 

"Do me a favour, Heather, and shut up." JD gritted his teeth at the vampire and let out a little snarl. 

Chandler, who was still not used to being retaliated at, bared her fangs with venom welling up inside. 

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