I haven't seen this much radiation of gay since Skittles

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"This is chaos," Veronica shook her head in disgust and frustration, her cat tail swishing behind her madly. "Fucking chaos." 

JD sighed and nodded along. This was not how he wanted to spend his first twenty four hours as a 18 year old. "I agree, and normally I would love chaos. I mean chaos is great. Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, after all."

Veronica only nodded back. She probably wasn't even listening at all. Which made JD concerned.

"You ok?"

"Yeah Jd," Veronica scoffed. "Heather is kidnapped by an all powerful ghost, who just so happened to have murdered my aunt, causing my cousin to fall into deep depression. So yeah, I'm fine."


There was a long tense silence followed by a deep sigh from Veronica.

"I'm sorry, it's just been a really...unbelievable night, to say the least."

"That's pretty vague, but ok."

"I just can't bear it...it bothers me so much." 

"What does?" JD asked, though he had a pretty good idea what is was.

"I always thought that Aunt Emily had a short life...she didn't have enough time to spend with her family. I guess the only way me and Lydia could comfort ourselves was that she died peacefully...well at least that's what we thought..." 

JD couldn't respond. He had his own demons after his mom's suicide. Fuck, the only reason why he was still sane through all this trauma was because of his friends.

 Well, though he sometimes thought of them as coworkers and their job was being popular and shit. 

Irregardless, they had helped him through tough times better than anyone else. That was one reason why he was hell bent on saving Mcnamara.

As he turned back to look at Veronica, he saw her eyes willing up with big fat tear. They poured down her cheek, and she made no haste to wiped them off.  Soon she broke down crying.

JD immediately wrapped his arm around her, and awkwardly patted her on the back as she buried her face into his furry chest.

"Well.." He spoke, trying as best as he could to comfort his girlfriend. "What we're doing tonight will fix that, right? I mean, finishing off Babadook will avenge your aunt, that way she didn't die for nothing..."

Veronica brushed off her tears with her paw and gave a weak smile. "I guess..." 

She letted out a small chuckle and patted him on the head. "Good dog."

JD playfully wagged his tail and barked at her. 

He waited patiently while she merrily giggled at his behaviour.

Then, he licked her.

Veronica had to blink twice to register what just happened. She quickly tried to scrub off the saliva dripping from her fur. "WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" She screeched like a pterodactyl. 

JD howled in laughter at Veronica's priceless reaction. "You're not allowed to make out with me for a week, Jason Dean."  She said, hissing through her teeth.

"Like you can even last that long, darling" He shot back like the smooth motherfucker he is.

Veronica was silent with shock before replying. "Fuck you." She said.

"You already did." He replied, matter of factly.

Before Veronica could retaliate, the phone around her neck vibrated violently.

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