With The Village In Sight ~Chapter 35~

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Sasuke's P.O.V.

Everything about this is painful to watch. I watched the guy that I'm in love with have to hurt himself, because of me. It was the only way to keep him safe. Still,  I should've protected him. This is my fault. All of this. I should've watched over him! Damnit. Naruto looks at me with that stupid smile. "What's up? You worried about me?" He asks. I shake my head.
"I'm not worried about anything." I mutter. What's up with him anyways? "There's nothing I can't handle," He tries to reassure me... I think. "Don't worry about a thing." Did I not just tell Naruto that I wasn't worried? Whatever. He's just acting stupid. "Just... shut the hell up you dobe." I mutter. This really is getting on my nerves. Ugh! I looked at his arm again. Damnit this is really all my fault. I can't help but touch his arm. I hope my sleeve smells like him when we get back to the village. I like the way he smells. It's kind of like... I don't know.. it's just a really good scent. I love it. Why am I thinking about his scent anyways?
Sakura comes over and starts talking to Naruto about whatever I'm not a big fan of listening in on conversations. Well that's until I hear this sentence, "Maybe it was from the Akatsuki." Damnit. Not Itachi and those guys. I'll kill that bastard! I feel my fists clench, and my eyebrows push together. They both look at me oddly. Whatever. "Sasuke? What's wrong?" Sakura asks. I shrug. I feel even more guilty. What the hell is going on? If it really was... him... I've failed to protect the one that I- that I'm secretly in love with. Please tell me that they never touched him. I'm a failure if they did it without me knowing! Stupid Uchiha, Itachi. I shouldn't even consider him a Uchiha anymore. He shouldn't be one. Sakura is gone, up in the lead with Kakashi. She must've walked back when I was blinded by rage. I also feel Naruto's hand sliding into mine. Why is he so calming? Why does me make me feel okay? I used to hate him!
Naruto looks over at me and asks, "H-hey? Are you d-doing alright?" Damnit my gayness is getting out of control. He's so cute! It's so adorable. 
"Shut up! I'm fine! Okay?" I yell. He looks away and nods. Damnit I feel horrible. "Hey... Naruto... look, I'm sorry. Just... everything's fine. Just... please don't be mad at me."  I reassure, trying to comfort him. He just looks at me.
"I'm not mad, teme. My arm just hurts." Naruto lies to me. But I still believe him. I can't help but sigh. "Damnit... stop lying!" I say in a sharp tone. I feel horrible. He looks sad even disappointed. He looks like he's about to say something before I stop him. "Shh, Naruto... quiet. Look, I'm just stressed out. I don't mean any of this to be taken out on you. I really mean it." I explain to him. I just want him to feel better even if it kills me.

Naruto's P.O.V.
Why's Sasuke in such a bad mood? I wanna know what's making him so stressed out. "Sasuke? Is there anything you want me to do to make things better?" I ask. I just want to help him out since he's so nervous.
He shakes his head, "No. I don't need your help. It's all fine. Just focus on that arm." He says in a sort of sharp tone. I know how he is but damn! Does he have to be so cold?
"W-well... okay," I stuttered again. Stupid! "If you say so." Sasuke sighs and mutters something under his breath... I didn't hear it. It sounded liked, 'shut up you adorable idiot.' But I doubt what that's what he actually said.  I wish it was.
Sasuke breaks my thoughts, "Your face is red? Are you hot?" He asks. I shake my head.
"No! I- I'm fine! I Uh... it's all fine."  I reassure him. He just gives me a look.
"Whatever, dobe. You're weird. Let's just go you dumbass." He mutters. Why does he gotta be mean yet so cute when he does these talks. It's kinda sexy! Sasuke looks at me with a little smile. His hand comes down to my waist, and he pulls me a little closer to him. He points ahead of us. There... there in sight is Konoha. Finally this nightmare of a damned mission is almost over. Just maybe two kilometers to go. I've never been so happy to see the village in my life. Sasuke looks happy too. He looks a little less misrable than normal. Or maybe it's because he doesn't have to deal with me once we get to the village. There's a lot of possible reasons I guess. I'm guessing it's him being able to ditch me once we get to the village. That seems like a plan that he would have. But I guess maybe he'd bring me to the medic first before completely ditching me. Sounds about right if I was Sasuke. But I'm not so who knows anymore. All I know is my arm hurts and I'm in love with Sasuke Uchiha.... also I'm a little hungry not going to lie.

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