The Debate ~Chapter 93~

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Sasuke's P.O.V.

Naruto is the single most adorable thing! How could I say no to that perfect face? I put both my hands on his cheeks and squish his face, "Why are you so cute?!" I ask.

He pulls my hands away from his face, "Did you REALLY have to do whatever that was?" he's starting to sound like me. I've probably said that to him like fifty-thousand times.

I kiss him all over his sweet face. "Baby you know how hard it is for me to not mess with you." I tease him. His bright smile comes back. It makes me feel great. He lifts my shirt up, and then buries his face into my stomach and kisses me there. I kiss Naruto's head, and I hold him closer to me. I love him so much.

He stops doing what he was doing and looks up at me, "Sasuke... thanks for all this. I don't think anyone else would've ever done anything like this for me. Damnit now am I supposed to do something to top this?!"

"You can top this shit by just being my boyfriend. You know that you don't even have to make it up to me, I love you... and that's plenty. You're the best thing ever." I whisper to him. His eyes get wide, and we kiss. I push him against the back of his chair sort of, kind of aggressively, but not enough to hurt him.. just shock him a little bit.

He gets a big smile on his face. I love the way Naruto reacts to things, "Heh... you got spit on your chin." I quickly wipe my face with my sleeve and look away, embarrassed. I know it doesn't matter around Naruto, but I still want to be somewhat presentable on a date.

I keep my hand covering my mouth just in case there's anymore spit around my face. I finally decide to go back to my chair and sit back down. I interlock my fingers and put my hands under my chin, and stare at him. Now I know why people don't go out when they're horny. All I want to do is fuck Naruto right now. It's so tempting! I obviously am going to wait until we're not in public before I do anything but... he just looks so perfect. The way the candlelight's reflection in his eyes is just really pretty to look at. But that's not what's getting me like this, it's more like when I was over there and we were making out that did it. But still, he looks so fucking adorable. "...So... is this enough for me to make it up to you, Naruto? Or is there anything else I have to do? I'm only asking because if not I definitely can do more to impress you." I know that I just said he didn't have to make anything up to me.. and it's hypocritical of me to do it but he deserves only the best.

Naruto's P.O.V.

Aww that's so sweet! W-wait- THAT HYPOCRITE! "Sasuke you literally just got in my face about me making anything up to you. What the hell do you think you're pulling off here?!" I'm trying to come off as angry even though I'm not... mostly because I want him to hold me or kiss me or something. Instead he's just glaring at me. Wow.. cold move he's pulling.

"Shut up before I come over there and beat you." Sasuke's really trying to threaten me? That just makes me want to taunt him, "What's with the face dobe?"

I didn't even notice that I was making a goofy face. I'm just going to ignore that part and move on. "Why haven't you beaten me yet? I feel like that'd be one of your weird kinks that you haven't told me about." I'm only teasing him. I don't think I could actually be beaten or anything during sex. It would it would just end up in a fist-fight if that happened.

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched when I said that, "You're disgusting. The only time I'd beat you is if we're having an actual fight. Would that count as abuse? Like you know how often we fight or whatever so if we did does that count as boyfriend abuse?" I... what kind of weird whacked out shit is he rambling about?! He thinks I say dumb stuff all the time what the heck was that all about?! The weirdest part is usually I'm the one rambling about nonsense.

But now I'm curious. Does it count as abuse? Are there rules about this stuff somewhere? "Should we fight and find out?" I'm stupid. Why did I just ask that of all things?!

He shakes his head. I'm glad he realized that was a horrible idea too. At least my boyfriend is smarter than me, "No you idiot! We're not going to fight because of curiosity! I don't want to hurt you, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to hurt me even though I'd probably walk away fine." he sounds so confident that I couldn't do anything to hurt him.

"I've done it before, and I'll do it again! You know that I could beat your ass! Y-you're too afraid to admit it." His reaction is priceless. He flipped me off with both hands while glaring at me.

He's so hilarious when he reacts like this! He puts his hands down but keeps his sharp glare, "Fuck you! I was uh... I was just going easy on you!"

Sasuke just made that up! He wasn't going easy on me at all! In fact he tried to kill me. I think he's tried to kill me at least five times in the past seven fist fights we had. "Not even! You and I both know that's a lie! I beat you a-and that's final!" his face changes from his cold stare into a smile.

He makes me beyond happy when he smiles. I really really like it. "Alright, alright. You're right, baby..... I love you." he muttered that last part. I don't think I was meant to hear it.

I look at him with a big huge grin, "I love you too Sasuke~~!" I chime. I roll my sleeves up so they stay out of the way of my hands. All long sleeved are almost always to big on the sleeves. Do I have short arms?!

Sasuke looks at me with a small smile. "We should get out of here, baby. There's still a lot we can do tonight." he gets up and walks over to me, putting his hand out for me to take.

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