Tracking With Pakkun ~Chapter 47~

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Sasuke's P.O.V.
I need to find Naruto. That's what I need. No matter what risk. Iruka stops and turns around to face me.
"Well, Kakashi should be here," he says with a curious tone. Kakashi appears from nowhere and looks at us.
"What are you guys- wait. Where's Naruto?"
"TAKE A GODDAMN GUESS!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Both of them look at me like I'm insane. Maybe I am insane. I'm not sure.
"Sasuke told me that Naruto was taken."
"Shit! We need to go get him. Sasuke? How long ago was he taken?"
"I'm not sure. Looking for your ass took a lot of time." I shouldn't be so snappy. But it's his fault for taking so long to find. I don't care about how I treat anyone right now. I just want... I just want Naruto to be safe... with me.
"Okay, Iruka, do you think we have enough time to assemble a team?" I shake my head.
"Well... I'm not sure. I think we better just go." finally something I can agree with.
"Let's just go already!"
"Fine. But we need someone to track him."
"Kakashi, I think we need one of your dogs. Uhh.. what's his name... Pakkun?" Iruka suggests. Oh... I remember Pakkun. I hate that dog. Kakashi nods. He does the summoning jutsu and suddenly that ugly pug appears.
"Well what'd you want?"
"Can you track down Naruto?"
"The annoying loudmouth?"
"Sure he's this way." Pakkun leads us down an alley that leads out of town. Damnit it's getting dark. We have to hurry.
"So, why are we looking for the kid?" that ugly dog asks while we chase him.
"Two people from a clan came to my house  and kidnapped him." I explain.
"Your house? Why's that, brat?" idiot dog. He's just like Kakashi. Always prying at everything. Well I don't need to tell them shit.
"I believe that they were enjoying a romantic evening together." Kakashi teases. I glare at him. Damn my face is so red right now.
"Oh? Is that right?"
"What- I- shut the hell up! Why the hell do you even care about what we were doing?! The goddamn issue here is finding Naruto! Can we focus on that or are we to caught up in other things that are IRRELEVANT to ANYTHING I just said?!" I snap. They all stare at me again. "STOP LOOKING AT ME!" I mostly only demanded that because I feel like I look like I'm going insane or going to cry. Well, I'm not going to cry, I already reached my limit today.
"My gosh, kid. Calm down. His scent is getting stronger he's nearby." I hope so. I want to kick all their asses. Also Iruka hasn't said anything in awhile. Kinda weird in my opinion. Tch. Whatever it's not any of my problem. Pakkun stops and turns around.
"Are we close?" Iruka finally speaks. Pakkun nods. He points his nose out to what looks like an abandon house. It's not even that far outside of the village.
Well, now that I know he has those dumb injections I know they have the anecdote. So, if I'm able to force one into giving it to me... the one with the weakest mental strength, I'll be set! I know what to do.

Iruka's P.O.V. (his pov is newer to me sooo... sorry if i screw this up.)

We need a good plan. A well, thought out plan. Naruto is like a son to me. And by the looks of it, Sasuke really wants him back. I'm guessing there's something going on there. It's something I'd rather talk to Naruto about though. Mostly because Ever since I've known Sasuke he's been quiet, and private.
"Guys, we need to find a weak spot to enter in. Everyone go and look for an entrance." I suggest. Everyone runs off but I catch Sasuke by his shirt.
"What the hell are you doing?!" wow. He's really angry.
"Are you sure you can handle this, Sasuke?"
"Why wouldn't I?!"
"Well, you just seemed so overwhelmed that it might just not seem like the best idea." I'm really hoping he takes advice from me. I did get a degree in teaching, that has to count toward something.
"Iruka, I get you're a very smart man but, you're an idiot! I'm not going to let the only person I love get hurt." he yells. This is the reason why I'm worried about him. Wait- did he say love?
"Look, Sasuke, see how angry you are. What if you act on blind rage?" I'm going to ignore the love part. I don't want to agitate the kid even more.
"I'm going, I'm not going to make a damn impulsive mistake."
"Okay, go find a good entrance." I think I better just let him go. If I don't he'll probably go anyway behind our backs. Well now, I need to find an entrance. I'm guessing it'll be from the roof. Rooftops are usually not a heavily guarded area. I found a good way to climb up too. I look around from the top. I think this will be a good spot. I think we are good. I just need to find Pakkun, Kakashi, and Sasuke to see their ideas. I climb back down and look around. I can immediately see Kakashi and Pakkun.
"Hey, did you guys find a good spot?"
"There's a back entrance."
"I found a way from the roof." I hear a noise. I jolt my head over and watch Sasuke climbing up the fire escape that leads to the top. At least he isn't trying to bust a window or something like that.
"Well I guess that's the way we're going." Kakashi jokes. He looks at me and sighs, "At least he's learned something from you."
"Heh, yeah." well that was awkward. I'm 100% sure I made that really awkward.
"We better get going," Pakkun chimes in. We go after Sasuke and up the fire escape. Once we're up again Kakashi takes Sasuke by the collar of his shirt.
"What the hell were you thinking?" he asks.
"I was going to wait for you guys."
"Whatever. Let's just bust in already." I say and open the door. This is going to be pretty hard.

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