{1} The Expected Meeting

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Ianthe wasn't expecting to have her nap time interrupted by a loud banging against her cottage door

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Ianthe wasn't expecting to have her nap time interrupted by a loud banging against her cottage door. But alas, her groans filled her bedroom as the knocking continued. "Alright, I'm coming!" She knew that if her father hadn't already answered the door then he was probably out tending to the gardens, or if not that, then he was out in the main court having a meeting. As she threw her legs over the bed she stretched her arms over her head, a satisfied moan falling past her chapped lips when the bones in her back cracked and settled again. Ianthe was sure that the few framed photos on the wail were now on the floor due to the incessant banging. Much to her surprise though, as she exited her room and scurried to the front door, everything was still in place.

"What in Mitéra Gi's name is— oh, hello."

Ianthe felt a deep blush settle on her freckled cheeks as she craned her neck, her bright eyes locking with her new company. A grey pointed hat sat on top of a long mane of grey hair, and hidden beneath the rim of the old hat was a familiar face, one that Ianthe and the other Mages in her rank knew very well. "Gandalf, it is quite a surprise to see you here!" Ianthe's lips spread into a smile as she stepped aside, allowing the tall wizard to enter. Gandalf gave a small hum as he removed his hat before stepping inside. "Would you like some tea? I'm sure we have some of your favorite lying around somewhere."

"That's quite alright, thank you my dear." Gandalf gave a chuckle when Ianthe's round cheeks raised, her lips pulled into another dazzling smile. He watched as the young mage hurried into the kitchen to put the kettle on. Gandalf always did like the company of Mages; such a hospitable race who had a wonderful knack for making the most marvelous tea and cakes. But snacking on sweets and tea wasn't the only reason he came to visit the Mages on that afternoon. "Ianthe," Gandalf called, his keen old eyes dancing around the little cottage. "is your father around?" The cottage remained silent for a moment as Ianthe worked on the refreshments. Gandalf took this opportunity to survey the household once more, his gaze falling from an overfilled bookshelf to the small umbrella stand that held a few staffs before his eyes landed on a little wooden box. A box which could barely contain the glowing light of two small gems. Gandalf chuckled at the odd placement for the gems.

The silence lingered for a moment longer before Ianthe responded, and she reentered the room with a small tray filled with cakes, cookies and some freshly brewed tea before letting out a small hum. "I believe he's tending to the garden." She dusted her hands off after placing the tray on to a small table. Ianthe smiled up at the wizard as he snatched a cake and a cup of tea, her hands now resting upon her plump hips. "If not then he might be in a meeting. May I ask why, mister Gandalf?"

Curiosity filled the eyes of the young mage. She watched as he ate away at his snacks for a minute, his lips drinking down the sweet tasting tea before he finally spoke. "I have a proposition for you, Ianthe." The aura in the room shifted from one of joy and merriness to a solemn one after his words. Ianthe's lips formed a small frown and her eyes shifted from one side of the room to the other. The little cottage creaked and groaned as the ground under their feet shifted, and Gandalf gave the young mage a knowing look when he saw a faint yellow glow form in her eyes. "Please, my dear, it's nothing to get worried about."

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