{ 2 } Traveling Once Again

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Morning came to quickly for Ianthe's taste

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Morning came to quickly for Ianthe's taste. The little hobbit hole that she had found herself staying in for that night was more than she could've asked for. The one thing that Ianthe didn't find herself missing at all after rank of mages had settled down was the uncomfortable sleeping arrangements. While yes, they had the power to make the leaves soft or to bend branches to form a small bed frame, that didn't necessarily mean that it was comfortable to sleep on. So when she left for her journey to the Shire Ianthe made sure to pack her most comfortable bedroll. Yet that still didn't seem to do much for her old bones and aching back. However the small chair that she had managed to snag the night before felt like a cloud compared to her usual rocky bed.

The sun crept through the window and warmed up Ianthe's body. Mornings never were her favorite thing, and it wasn't often that her father had to go back multiple times to wake her up. Her usual protests to being woken up so early were kept quiet as she stirred in her chair, a soft groan falling past her lips before she racked a hand over her face. Sleep still clouded her eyes as she craned her neck to look around the room, and it took a few moments— even when she pressed her fingers against her eyelids and rubbed them for a second— for her vision. Ianthe was quick to smooth down her hair when she realized that just about every dwarf was still situated in the small living area, loud snores almost shaking the support beams of the hobbit hole. If it wasn't for the fact that one loud dwarf was snoozing next to her chair, she was sure she would've trampled him as she went to stood.

Ianthe remained quiet as she set her toes against the wooden floor. Her eyes were still clouded with sleep, making it a bit more difficult to maneuver her way through the maze of dwarves that slept silently in the room. Yet somehow she managed to make it out into the hallway without disturbing a single dwarf. Ianthe gently patted down her hair again, feeling the twist strands behind her head pull at her scalp when she went to untangle them. Aside from the snores in the room behind her, the hobbit hole was completely silent. Ianthe felt herself slowly begin to wake up more as she looked around the hallway, her eyes taking in the way the various shades of browns, reds and greens of Bilbo's home glistened against the sunlight that came pouring in through a small window at the front of his house. A small hum fell past her lips as she turned in her feet, little to no sound coming from her steps as she neared the front door. Maybe a little fresh air would help to wake her up even more.

Ianthe still worked at untangling her messy hair as she pried the round green door open, and she couldn't help the happy sigh that fell past her lips when the sun hit her square in the face. As she stepped quietly out on to the porch she closed her eyes, her chest expanding when she sucked in a deep breath. The air drifted into her lungs with a pleasurable sting, and she felt a smile pull up her lips when she smelled flowers mingle in with the morning air. Ianthe felt her body buzz with a sudden energy as the sun danced across her skin. It was true that she didn't like waking up in the morning, but that didn't mean that she didn't like mornings in general.

"You're up a bit early, lass."

Ianthe's concentration was broken when a kind voice floated through the air, her eyes opening and catching the sunlight when she turned to her company. "I am quite surprised myself, Master Balin." Ianthe returned the warm smile that the white-haired dwarf sent her, her hand falling away from her messy hair after finally untangling the brown strands from the blonde, nearly white ones that sat near her temples. Balin watched the mage closely as she turned back to the front, her hand grasping her elbow behind her back as she yet again inhaled a deep breath. The dwarf has noticed the two different colors in her hair the night before, and he saw how the roots of blonde portion seemed lighter against her skin. He couldn't recall ever seeing anyone, whether dwarf or human, having to shades of hair like that, especially making the skin in the surrounding area lighter.

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