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As a 2k special, I decided to post this early. Thanks to everyone for reading my stories!

Everybody knew who would take the throne once King Todoroki died. It wouldn't be the conventional first son, nor the hate-filled second son, but the Endeavorers third son which he had nurtured and brought up as his own. The King had taken a shine to him, so the kingdom was sure the young Prince would succeed the throne.

But on the fateful day of the Endeavorers glorious death on the battlefield, it was not young Prince Shoto who had been given the crown, but the first born, Prince Touya. It came as a shock to the kingdom. Even the smallest kingdoms far across the ocean were dumbfounded by the decree.

Prince Touya held his head high as he took on the challenge, having no wisdom from his father to help guide him through.

The next few months the castle was buzzing with haste to prepare for the coronation ceremony. Invitations came to every duke, duchess, and kingdom around as one of the most brilliant occasions came to fruition. The normally barren castle had never been so excitable.

Then the day of the ceremony came, the Prince became a King, and a lush party was held in his congratulations. The King was hounded by faces and names he knew not of with offerings of kind and beautiful daughters, while the rest of the family was left to frolic about.

The youngest Todoroki Prince, however, saw no point in such a gathering and kept to himself in the corner of the room, simply people watching and letting the crowds voices numb through him. He was never good a mingling or small talk, hardened by his fathers early teachings and becoming stoic. He drank little—didn't like the taste—and had bad feet so he couldn't join in with the music. Naturally, he was pushed off to the side with the rest of the eligible bachelors and bastard sons to simply watch and chat from the sidelines.

He exchanged pleasantries with some but they usually bustled off until a striking man lined in a gold and red suit sauntered up to him with some kind of a smile; it almost seemed like a grin. He certainly stood out with his unique style of dress but even more so his face was simply handsome. Todoroki couldn't find himself to get a word out.

"Long night, Prince Todoroki?" the unknown man asked.

"Ah..." Todoroki stumbled on his words, forcing his eyes away and back on the dance floor."Yes."

"I'm King Bakugo Katsuki of the Plosion Kingdom," the man said back, holding out his hand in greeting.

Todoroki hurried to receive it, not wanting to be rude."T-Todoroki Shoto from the Salvo Kingdom." And just after the words came out of his mouth he realized how much of an idiot he was.

The King thought so as well, letting out a short chuckle and sliding his hand away to cover his mouth."I know," he said between laughs. Todoroki felt his ears turn red as Bakugo finally let up to look back at him, amusement still present.

"You're an interesting one, Prince Todoroki," the King breathed."I'm glad I came over to talk to you. Either way, you looked oddly bored."

Todoroki's eyebrows furrowed at his words."Bored? How could I be bored? This is my brothers coronation; it's a joyous occasion."

"I guess bored isn't the right word...maybe angry?" The King gave him a knowing look and Todoroki couldn't help but shiver under his gaze."Everyone was expecting the throne to be in your hands, after all. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a little jealousy rolling about."

Todoroki didn't like where this conversation was going. This was why he didn't like talking to other people. They always asked too many questions.

But then Bakugo pat his shoulder and said a few kind words that made all his fears go away.

"Don't worry so much, I wont expect you to answer any questions you're uncomfortable with."

He felt so relieved at this kings kindness."Thank you..." was all he could murmur back.

"You're welcome." Bakugo's hand moved off his shoulder but Todoroki wanted it back. It felt like a strong anchor to hold him down and keep him steady."Now, tell me a little about yourself, or would you like me to go first?"

Todoroki was more than eager to oblige.


The pair ended up outside, casually walking the garden and soon sitting on a small overhang far away from the noise. Todoroki found Bakugo's company well received, though his personality was hard to understand. One second he seemed like a wise man and the next just an average person Todoroki could find himself relating to.

Todoroki found himself moving close, listening more intently and responding all the same, and the more they talked the more he concentrated on every little detail of his face and body. The way his muscles flexed underneath his suit and how his ruby red eyes bled into his very pore. The young prince never knew such a liking could come so quick, or perhaps it was more than that?

Todoroki had never paid attention to someone so much before. He never thought about their lips or what their body looked like past layers of clothing. He had never wanted to talk with someone more than required, even lose sleep just to continue hearing their voice but with Bakugo he did.

Did the other man feel the same? Was he also thinking about Todoroki as intently as he was him?

"It seems to be getting dark," Bakugo noticed, cold biting his skin as the stars passed above them."We should retire for the night."

Todoroki's heart broke at the words."Yeah," he croaked out. He didn't want things to end just yet, not so soon and unfinished. He wanted to see Bakugo again.

"Talking with you like this has been pleasant, Prince Todoroki," the king started, making Todoroki give off a bitter smile."I came here, like many others, to congratulate your older brother on his newfound kingship but I also came looking for a marriage partner. Not the King, of course, such a small kingdom like mine would never stand a chance."

Todoroki's breath hitched. Marriage? Was he about to...? No, he was being to hasty. Bakugo would never propose such a thing and marriage between two men was forbidden, a cardinal sin. They could never. But if he was about to ask, how should Todoroki respond? They were both still so young, Todoroki just 18 years old and Bakugo 24, with so much more life to live. But if it was Bakugo, he might just be willing.

"I saw you standing off in the corner and thought, why not?" Bakugo then looked to Todoroki."You're a fair man, Todoroki Shoto, with fair ideals. I think you would make a perfect husband for my daughter."

Wait...daughter? Bakugo never mentioned a daughter, but if that was true, then...

"As I've told you, my kingdom is small so there are few willing to offer their sons to us. My wife and I have been trying for a son for many years now after the girl was born but to no avail. It seems we will only have a the one, so I've searched to find someone who will treat her well and rule our kingdom properly, and you seem just the man, Prince Todoroki.''

Wife? Daughter? Todoroki couldn't breathe.

"I understand this offer is sudden, but I wanted to give you some time to think on it before we had to leave. Don't think ill of me, I did truly enjoy talking to you like we did. It was satisfying."

Todoroki couldn't get any words out, no matter how much his mouth moved up and down. So Bakugo wasn't making a move on him, just buttering him up for this bombshell? It hurt.

Why did such a pure love have to break so soon?

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