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Todoroki knocked on the door to his eldest brothers room after getting permission from the guards. It took a few minutes for his brother to respond and after he explained it was him, he was allowed inside. The newly appointed king awaited him, casually sitting on a cushy chair in the corner of the room with book in hand. He put it down as Todoroki entered.

"What is it, brother?" He glanced towards the open curtains in his room to check the time."It's already deep into the night."

Todoroki's throat dried up at his coldness and he schooled himself."I've been invited to spend time in the Plosion Kingdom and am here to get your permission to go."

Touya raised an eyebrow."The Plosion Kingdom? Why have you been invited there?"

"The kingdom's ruler, King Bakugo, talked to me at your coronation. He proposed an offer to me to marry his daughter, though it will be a promise for the future since she is not yet of age."

"Ah yes, I remember King Bakugo." The king suddenly brightened."There have been tales of him being a strong, unmatched warrior. He's said to have never lost a battle in his lifetime and once even went against a mad cougar barehanded and won. His kingdom...I believe it's in the North?"

"Yes, that is correct."

"Then I see no reason why you shouldn't go, if at least to be in the kings favor. From there, whether you choose to marry or not is up to you, but this would be a good opportunity to establish better trade in the North."

To be a king was to use even humans as tools to generate more power and opportunity. Todoroki wasn't too surprised by his statement, but it still made him feel sour. He didn't want to think of Bakugo as such a tool or himself for that matter. This choice he had to make would be his own, not his kingdoms.

"Yes, thank you, brother," Todoroki ground out, already moving to leave.

Touya watched him with narrow eyes."Shoto!" he called."Father is long dead, so you don't have to come to me for things like this. You are old enough to know whats best for his kingdom, just like the rest of your siblings."

"Yes, brother."


"That was quite risky of you," Camie started, placing her hand over her mouth to hide her smile."To do such a thing in broad daylight..."

Resting on the other side of the carriage, Bakugo pulled back the curtain and stared at his countryside. It was a familiar site, evoking many memories."You bring it up now after all the time that's passed? Shrewd woman."

"You weren't even that sly when wooing me."

"I didn't need to do shit to get you on my side and you know it," Bakugo growled back."You were ready to go through with this shit just like I was."

Camie leaned her back against the carriage, elegance of her posture gone."Do you think he will come? You haven't always been the best actor and this is certainly a new role."

"He'll come." Bakugo was sure of himself."He's young and stupid. Plus, his father's death has made him weak, just like you said."

"Is that your way of saying I'm right?"

"Shut the fuck up," he growled back."Just do your part and take the kid and disappear. I don't care where the fuck you go, but if that faggot prince sees you and especially her, he's gonna start doubting shit and all my hard work will be for nothing."

"Alright," Camie nodded."We'll probably go to Uncle's place. How long?"

"Two weeks. I'll notify you if anything changes."

Camie frowned. Two weeks was a long time and Bakugo wasn't used to having more than one lover. He was a shrewd man but had his fragile moments. Would his heart stay intact?

"Bakugo..." Camie leaned forward, cupping his face in her hand. He stubbornly looked at her."Don't forget about your wife."

Bakugo smacked her hand away, offended."You think I'm gonna fall in love with that naive prince?! Get real!"

"You're new to this and he's the type who has a natural charm." Camie grabbed Bakugo's hand which he had used to smack her away."Don't forget the real goal of all this."

"I wont." Bakugo squeezed her hand back.

She smiled."Money, power..."

They carriage halted in front of their kingdom and Bakugo pulled the curtain closed, staring Camie in the eye."For revenge."

They would do anything.


A week after Bakugo had left Todoroki arrived at his kingdom. He didn't want to seem too eager, though he was exactly that. He had messaged Bakugo ahead of time of his acceptance to come over, asking him when an appropriate time to come would be, which the other responded that he could come as soon as he wanted.

This filled Todoroki with a hope and excitement he had never felt before. It was confirmation enough that he wasn't completely delusional in thinking that Bakugo liked him back. It might just be the reality he was hoping for.

His castle wasn't as big as the Salvo Kingdom's but it felt, well, warmer. The castle Todoroki grew up in always felt like a cold place of politics and double-faced pigs while Bakugo's castle flowed with comfort and beautiful red roses. He was entranced the whole way over, enjoying the greenery and rough cobble roads.

The carriage took him through the gates and soon he was on the other side of the walls, now truly in Bakugo's domain. It made his heart beat crazily with excitement and nerves. He had no plans when coming to his kingdom so he wondered what would happen with Bakugo. He would be staying with him for two whole weeks. Two weeks.

The carriage stopped and the coachman hopped out to attend to Todoroki, opening the door for him and helping him step out. There were some attendants waiting for him and at the top of the stairs staring down at him was Bakugo.

Todoroki's breath was knocked out of him at the sight. He looked as deathly regal as always, dressed in navy blue this time. His stare was just as piercing as ever, making Todoroki grow hot as he slowly smiled at him. His stride down the stairs was languid and Todoroki followed every step without bothering to look around him.

Soon they were standing at the same level and neither spoke at first. Todoroki couldn't even mumble a word out of his mouth at the moment, simply entranced.

Bakugo took a single step closer, picking up his hand and causing him to flinch in surprise. He stared at him hesitantly, waiting to see what the other would do.

Bakugo smiled, holding his hand like it was something precious and easily breakable. He bent down slightly and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it."Welcome to the Plosion Kingdom, Prince Todoroki."

Todoroki was absolutely flustered. He knew he should ask him something. Ask if this was all real. Bakugo felt the same way?


Bakugo put a finger up to his own mouth, shushing Todoroki before he went further."Secrets like these are best to stay silent."

Todoroki gulped."Even between the two of us?"

"Yes." Bakugo stood up straight, hand moving to wrap around his wrist instead."Now, let me take you on a tour of my castle."

"Ah." Todoroki attempted to compose himself, still conscious of Bakugo's skin touching his."That would be lovely, King Bakugo."

BakuTodo - Prince of KingsWhere stories live. Discover now