Chapter 21

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Jennie's POV

It's been five days since Lisa stop seeing the kids. For over two months of Lisa and the twins secretly hang out at my back and I on the other hand is secretly following them this is the first time Lisa didn't show up for straight five days. The kids are keep bothering me to why is Lisa didn't show up. I tried to make an excuses again and distract them. Well Lisa still doesn't know that I already found out that they hang out secretly through Jisoo.

I also ask Jisoo about Lisa but she told me that she didn't know either. I tried to ask Seulgi about Lisa's where about but she said she didn't know, same as Lisa's friends. I tried to go to her company but her Secretary said that Lisa is on leave. Well I am doing this for the kids cause I don't want Lisa to stop seeing the kids just because of what happened to the both of us. I know this is also my fault.

"How about we gather in one place to celebrate Christmas?" Jisoo suggest making me snap. We're here at Irene's coffee shop discussing about what will we do this coming Christmas. Irene and Jisoo are planning what activities that we'll play on Christmas eve. When suddenly someone from the past that I've hated to see came into the view.

"Jennie" She said while giving me a small smile. I just returned the gesture cause I don't want to be rude

"Can we talk?" She saw my hesitation so she continue

"Please?" I look at Jisoo and Irene who's already looking at me and telling me to go. I just sigh then motion her to the corner.

We sat down first and just stay silent waiting for the other one to talk first.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask impatiently. She heave a deep breath first then say

"I know that you already know me before but not my name, I'm Sunmi." She said introducing herself whilw giving me a small smile. I just nod my head and motion her to continue

"Look I really hated you at first for making Lisa away from me. But I thank you for that because of what happened I already found the one that truly love me and see my worth." I look at her confusedly to why is she telling me this.

"Is th--"

"I'm not yet done Jennie" I just motioned her to continue

"When I found out that you're the reason why Lisa is avoiding me. I got really mad at you that time to the point that I wanted to kill you. So I hired someone to stalk you and find some information about you and when I found out that you're living at busan where my father is the owner of the land that your family are staying at. I immediately ask my father to demolish it and my plan was to make you go back to busan and guess what, it works. When you're already out of the picture I ask bam to invite Lisa to my party to do my other plan to record Lisa and I having sex. I drug Lisa first and bring her back to her apartment. I tried to force Lisa to have sex with me but what really made me shock that time, even if she's on drugs she refused on having sex with me thinking that I am not Jennie. She pushed me really hard when I tried to kiss her. Lisa and I never had sex that night."

My tears are streaming down my face nonstop. Lisa. After what Sunmi said I don't know what to feel. Sunmi still talking but I didn't quite get it cause my mind is screaming Lisa's name. When Sunmi is already gone. Jisoo and Irene immediately run to my side.

"Lisa." I utter the two is just looking at me confused.

"What about Lisa?" Irene ask

"Can you bring me to Lisa unnie?"

"Jennie." Irene says softly

"Please unnie?"

"Tell us what Sunmi told you." Jisoo ask me. I shake my head and cry even more second later I told them everything on what Sunmi told me.

"Oh. My. Gosh" Irene said emphasizing every word.

"Please bring me to Lisa unnie." This time I pleaded more

"Jennie, Lis--"

"Please?" Jisoo just nod and lead me to her car with Irene behind us.

As soon as Jisoo hit the break in front of Lisa's house. I immediately got out and run towards the door. Ringing the door bell while banging the door

"Lisa! Open this door."

"Jennie" Irene says behind me but I ignored it. I'm still banging her door while the two are trying to stop me. When no one open the door. I immediately reach my pocket and use the duplicate key that Lisa give me before. When I open the door I quickly march towards Lisa's bedroom while calling her name. I noticed that Lisa's other things are gone.

"Jennie?" This time I look at Irene

"Where is she unnie?"

"Seulgi said Lisa already left." Irene said making me deaf and the only thing that I can hear is

Lisa already left

Lisa already left

Lisa already left

Lisa already left

Playing repeatedly inside my head.

I ask Jisoo to bring me to bambam this time cause maybe she's there. Jisoo quickly drove us to bambam's house while me I'm still crying on how stupid I was. Irene is trying her best to comfort me.

"Bam! Open this door!" I shout while banging bambam's door. Bambam then open his door with sleepy eyes

"What the hell do you want Jennie?"

"Where is Lisa?" I ask while inviting myself inside his house, searching for Lisa.

"Lisa? Stop hiding, I know that you're here!" I shout still searching her.

"What's the change Jen?" Bam ask me but I just ignored him and continue searching.

"She's not here. Lisa already left five days ago" Bam said that made me snap. I look at him walking to his bedroom second later he come back with a small box. He handed it to me and said

"Lisa want me to give that to you." I reach for the box with a shaky hands and open it. Lisa's promise ring is inside the box with a note

Dear Jennie,

          I'm sorry if I didn't kept my promises to you. I really wanted to but seeing you happy with someone makes me think that maybe I am just a hindrance to your happiness. I left because I wanted you to be happy not because you asked me to it. Even though this is the most painful decision that I'll make. I am letting you go Jennie. I won't bother you anymore Jennie. I love you Jennie, I always will. And please tell the twins that I love them too so much. Goodbye Jennie.


Am I too late?

Letting go doesn't mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be.

Forever Yours | JENLISA ✔Where stories live. Discover now