and I oop

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               Text message from Jaden 😎

Jaden😎- wassup e
                                       eve- trying to sleep bc yanno is almost 4am ?

Jaden😎- oh shit, I'm sorry I forgot were in different time zones

eve- it's okay im crying to much to sleep anyway lmao

Jaden😎- what's wrong??

eve- family problems, I have never told anyone, you might know one day jay

Jaden😎- okay, well try and rest, you need it. I love you e.

eve- love you too jay

Jaden's POV
I decided to text eve because I was hella bored yanna #teenagertingzz. She said she was crying because of family problems highkey made me upset. I just hoped she was okay. I decided to just make tiktoks and FaceTime Anthony. I don't bring it up to him because I didnt wanna be spreading her stuff.

On FaceTime
Jaden- yo we all need to get together soon

Ant-word, I miss all of y'all

Jaden- we should figure out a way to meet eve

Ant- what if we go and "visit Payton" since they live so close to each other and then we get in thouch with her and meet up

Jaden- what if it's her and Payton meeting up and then we all just surprise her


jaden- I know you don't have to tell me

Ant- shut up asshat

Jaden- okay imma get off here and go talk to pay

Ant- word

End of FaceTime call

Jaden told Payton the whole plan, he was down so was everyone else. Thy made a gc without eve in it so they could surprise her. They were planning on everything happening in two days. Their all gonna fly out tomorrow to Payton's and just hang out with him but the next day is when the surprise happens.

Payton's POV

Payton- hoe
                                   Eve🥳- correction whore

Payton- ✋🏼😔 anyways im coming to see you
                                  Eve🥳- what-
Payton- yeah Wednesday I'm gonna drive my happy self down there and come see you

                         Eve🥳- HOLY SHIT YAY OKAY
Payton- Wednesday I'll just text you when I'm on the way and you can send me the address and everything

          Eve🥳- okay!! Thank you pay, it's gonna be great:))

Payton- of course, I'll ttyl I love you

        Eve- I love you more!!

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