happy birthday

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Eve's POV
Today was ants birthday and I wanted to be the best girlfriend and do the best thing I could think of, well not the best because the best thing was me surprising him. But my dad didn't want me to fly to Kentucky alone. Which was very upsetting but it's okay because I have a plan✋🏼😔. Payton and Chase were flying out to see him so I told Payton to stop by my house before going to the airport since we don't live that far away from eachother, and I was gonna give him ants present. Then when he got there he would ft me when Anthony opened it then boom that's it.
I was really upset that I didn't get to see my boyfriend on his birthday but it's ight ig😤✋🏼
Me and Jaden were laying in my bed watching the new season of the end of the fucking world when his phone started ringing

J: hello

P:yo I'm outside

J: ight be out there in a sec

"Payton's here". I stood up and grabbed his present and ran downstairs w Jaden to see Payton talking to my dad and Amy. "Hi payyy" I said wrapping in a hug. "What's up eveee". I handed him the present and we sat there chatting for a little bit, but unfortunately he had to leave so he could catch his flight.

Me and Jaden decided to go to the mall because we were bored. We got in my Jeep and I let him drive bc sis was tired. I plugged my phone into the aux cord and we listened to the Lumineers. They are literal gods fight me on it. We had the top off and the music up all the way. The sun was setting, it was one of those perfect movie moments. I recorded a video of us singing and posted it on snap captioned "drives w my bestfriend are the best 🥺✋🏼" and tagged him.
We arrived at the mall and went into journeys. I really wanted a new pair of docs so that's what I got 😌✋🏼. Jaden got some fancy looking shoes idk but they were cute so whatevs. We went to Chick-fil-A and ate etc.
"I miss everyone" Jaden said getting in the car. "Me too bubbas". We drove off once again listening to hella depressing music. But that's what me and Jaden do best. "You know I really hope everything works out for our parents". "Same, honestly having you around all the time has made me 20x happier than I have ever been" I said smiling. "Of course and I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens". "I love you jay". "I love you more e". We ended up driving around the empty parts of my town, screaming lyrics that were playing living life.
We got back home walking inside talking about a crazy person we drove past. "Hey Mom". "Hi honey, what did you guys go do?" She asked making dinner for her and my dad. "Well we went to the mall, ate food and then we drove around town and we had a great time" I said hugging Jaden. "That's great, well I'm gonna finish cooking".
Me and Jaden walked up to his room and my phone had died so I let it charge for a while, and me and Jaden just watched a movie in the mean time.
I turned my phone on and had 5 missed calls from Payton and 3 messages from Anthony.

Bubs🥺🖤: thank you for the gift

Bubs🥺🖤: why didn't you answer Payton's ft call when he tried to call you, are you ok

Bubs🥺🖤: are you ignoring me???

omg I totally forgot

                               Me: omg ant I'm so sorry me and Jaden went to the mall and my phone died, I'm so sorry I was not ignoring you I promise. I love you.

"Jesus". "What's wrong". "I forgot that I was supposed to FaceTime Payton and my phone died and now Anthony thinks I was ignoring him but I wasn't". "It's okay I'm sure he will understand" Jaden said wrapping me in a hug.


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