sorry Mrs Jackson oOo

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Paytons POV
I woke up and checked my phone it was 11am. I had a massive headache. I rolled over and eve was looking on Instagram. "Hi" I said squinting my eyes because it hurt hella to look at the light. Don't hi me she said with a attitude. "Why do you have a attitude?". Oh yanno maybe because you left me stranded last night to go fuck some girl."oh shit, I'm so sorry". Don't bother I'm leaving in a few hours, she said getting up and getting sweats out of her suitcase and walking in the bathroom. I felt terrible.
I checked my phone and see that Anthony had texted me.

-im sorry bro, I didn't know it would have been this big a deal

I shut my phone off and got dressed into less smelly clothes. Eve walked out not saying a word, packing up her suitcase. "Do you really have to leave?" Yes, yes I do. You left me alone, with people I didn't know, to go fuck someone. I'm not staying with you. I thought you liked me I guess I thought wrong.
I was shocked. Did I like her? "Well um I understand, I'm really sorry".
I forgive you but you gotta give me a little while. "I get it"

2hours later
Eve's POV
"My Ubers here". Payton came walking up to me. Be safe, text me when you get home if you don't mind. "I will". he opened his arms for a hug, I took it. I hugged him back. "Bye" I said walking out to the car. I put everything in the backseat beside me and put in my airpods.
I should probably text Anthony.

-hey I just left Payton's.

Ant🐜- are you okay, what did he say?

- well he just said he understood and that was about it

Ant🐜- I'm sorry bub. You didn't deserve that. Ft when you get home?

- ofc

Ant🐜- okay have a safe ride. Love you.

- love you more bubbas

For some reason i couldn't get Anthony out of my head, it was odd.I turned on Billie Eilish and drifted to sleep. I was exhausted.

As soon as I got home I texted my dad and told him I came home early. He must have been out drinking I don't know. I don't really care. I walked up to my room and unpacked all my stuff. My phone started ringing, Anthony was facetiming me.

Ant: hey bubs


Ant: what are you doing

Well at the moment I'm carrying my laundry basket downstairs and your in it so, say hello to my clothes

Ant:hi clothes

I couldn't help but laugh. He was adorable

Ant:I just wanted to call and make sure you were okay

I mean I could be better but yeah I'm okay. I'm probably gonna order a pizza, do a facemask and watch friends to try and cure my sadness

Ant:aww bubs don't be sad, it will all be okay I promise, I'm gonna let you go Brady's yelling at me and I'm sure you wanna do all your girly stuff

Okay text me when your done so I'm not lonely

Ant: will do, I love you

Love you more bubs

Authors note
I hope you enjoyed. I'm gonna get back to the whole group in the next chapter. I love you all. Also thank you for 700 hundred reads :')


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