fUk you and Jennifer

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Eve bold
Jaden Normal

What's up jay bae

We're 10 minutes away

Yay okay we just got back from Target

Okay well I'll see you when we get there luh youu

Luh you more hoe

10 minutes later

"JADEN I MISSED YOU BUBBA" I said jumping in his arms. Jaden was basically my older brother. I missed you so much, he said putting me down. "Hi Mrs hossler" I said shanking her hand eagerly wanting her to meet my dad asap. "DADDD". Why are you yelling whats wrong he said walking down the stairs then seeing amy.
Oh hi I'm Jordan, he said reaching out shaking her hand . Amy, how are you. Great he said , wanna drink?. Wine? She said. They walked into the kitchen and had there own conversation.
"Jaden their adorable they have to get together". On God, Anthony said coming up behind and jumping on my back. "Holy shit ant, I'm gonna drop you dumbass", are you calling me fat,he said jumping down and putting his hand on his heart acting like he was hurt. "No stupid I love you" I said kissing him on the cheek.
The rest of the day we played just dance, for at least 3 hours. Me and Payton won everytime because ant and jaden literally sucked at it, it was hilarious. We ordered Chinese food and ate and watched a movie on Netflix. It's called after and let me tell you I cried through out the whole damn movie. And let's just say at the end I was heated. It was now 8:00 and Chase texted me and said they had just landed then they would be here. I was so excited we would all be together again.

"BABIESSS" I yelled opening the door squeezing the hell out of both of them. " I missed you both so much oh my god". I literally missed you more hoe, Noen said patting my head like a dog. They walked into the living room and did the bro hug and all that stuff and told my dad and Amy hey.
So what's going on here, Chase said with a smirk looking at my dad and Amy. Oh yanno just getting to know this beautiful woman. "AWWWWWWW" we all yelled at the same time.
For the rest of the night we all caught up on our lives. We talked about choen which was doing great by the way, they were so cute together. The whole time I sat in between Anthony's legs and laid my back on his chest and he played with my hair. My dad and Amy were getting along great, they realized how much they had in common and they both seemed happy. Me and Jaden were both astatic that something could actually happen. Me and Payton were getting along fine. Everything was great again honestly.
We were all watching friends and I started to doze off. Anthony realized and before I was completely asleep he kissed me on the forehead and whispered " goodnight mamas sleep well"
I wanted to cry. I loved this boy.

Authors note
I hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but imma be back on the grind soon lmao. Vote and comment if you liked the chapter, love you all💓


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