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Eves POV
I woke up the next morning at 11:00am, literally jumping out of bed to get ready because Payton would be here in an hour.i threw on a pair of ripped mom jeans and red crop top and brushed my hair and my teeth. I wasn't doing makeup because my skin was actually clear at the moment and I don't wanna fuck it up ya feel?. I ran into ants room and he was still passed out. I hooked my phone up to my speaker and started blaring unforgettable by Thomas Rhett because it was the 14th of October. (If you don't know the song you won't understand ✋🏼😔). I was jumping up and down on his bed yelling the lyrics and recording it.
The first thing he did was throw a pillow at me, and sit up looking like he was ready to murder me. You better run, he said getting out of bed. I very quickly ran around the house being chased by him. My luck my dad walked down the stairs as I was trying to go up them, and him being him realized what was going on and wouldn't let me through. Next thing I know I was picked up over Anthony's shoulders and thrown on the couch being tickled. I was wheezing because I couldn't breath. Finally he stopped and I jumped on his back and started beating him with a pillow from the couch.
"You are a whore". See i would disagree with you but I know it's true, he said smirking. I threw the pillow at him once again. 5 minutes later we had both calmed down and he went upstairs get ready for Payton to get here. I re brushed my hair since I was just tackled thanks to Anthony. I walked into Anthony's room to see what he was doing and I seen him making a tiktok, "if I could quit my job and fuck you" I ran into the frame and lip-synced "all day shit I would yeah I would" the best I could trying to be a fuck boy. We re watched it a few times dying of laughter because in the begging ant did that thing with his tongue, and let me tell you it looked better in person🤭. "It's 12:00, pay should be here soon let's go downstairs". We ran down stairs hearing a knock on the door. I opened and there he was with a duffle bag and a backpack. I let him in and he hugged me and him and ant did their little " bRo HaNdShAkE".
He got settled in and we decided to go around my neighborhood and skate since I had enough boards. We jammed out to tiktok songs because yanno #tiktokertingzz. " Bros watch this" I said giggling trying to do a trick and literally landed on my ass. They did nothing to help me just stood there laughing their asses off. I stood up angrily but couldn't stay serious because Anthony kept snorting, and Payton kept wheezing.
We got back to my house and it was 2:00. We decided to go to target to pick up snacks and stuff for the weekend. I drove us all there in my orange Jeep Rubicon because vsco tingzz. We ended up getting random junk food like chips, cookies, candy and drinks. We went to the Starbucks in the target and all got a drink and me being the basic white girl I am got a vinte pink drink😔✌🏼. We got back home and unloaded all the groceries and I heard my phone ringing.
        Incoming facetime call from Jaden<3

Authors note
I actually like this chapter, well the begging of it anyway. Also cliffhanger teehee. Thank for over 1.50k reads🥺 I love you all
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