and they were roommates,,,,

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Eve's POV

The rest of the day was great. We ordered pizza, made tiktoks, had a deep discussion and just acted like complete crackheads. Right now Griff,ant,and Noen were looking on Netflix for a movie to watch. Me and Jaden were making popcorn and Payton and Chase were pouring everyone drinks. It was a whole system. That's when my dad bursted through the door. "Oh shit". Wait what's wrong Jaden said coming up behind me. That's my dad. "Hey Dad um these are my friends" then i introduced everyone to him. I could smell the beer and cigarettes just repelling off of him. I was embarrassed. "Hi everyone I'm just going to head to bed"
"Goodnight" everyone said. "Fuck my life oh my God".I'm sorry but eve, he ranked Payton said walking up to me. "I know, I guess its time I tell you all".

HE DID THAT TO YOU, Payton exclaimed.
Pay it's okay, he hasn't done it in a few days.its like a sense of relief. "I'm just glad I have you guys now" I said with a tear shedding down my face.

Everyone then tackled me into a group hug and I chuckled. "I'll never let him touch you again" Payton whispered. I just smiled. Knowing I had people that cared about me made me the happiest person alive.

We finally picked out a movie and all piled up on the couch and floor. Chase and Noen were on the floor in front of me. Griff, ant, and jaden were beside me in that order. To the right of me was Payton. We were watching insidious and let me tell you I almost peed myself. Anytime I jumped I would scream and scoot closer to Payton. By the end of the movie I was wrapped in his arms with my head on his chest. Internally I was freaking out but on the outside I tried to keep my calm.
"I'm going to go take off my makeup ill brb"

Payton's POV
When eve walked out of the room we started "spilling tea" according to Anthony. Bro she was literally in your arms, Chase said smirking. "Yeah I know, but she was scared". But she could have been in Jaden's arms, he was also right beside her but she chose you, Noen said. "Yeah it made me happy, and it was adorable but that doesn't mean she likes me, and vice versa". Mhm Griffin said turning back to Anthony.

Eve's POV
When I walked upstairs i started taking off my makeup and thinking. Payton got so defensive when I told him about my dad. But I mean I was abused so I guess I could see why. But when we were watching the movie he didn't hesitate to hold me. Maybe I'm just over thinking it. I mean he knew I was scared.
I walked back downstairs and they were all on their phone. "Can we watch vines". UH OF COURSE Chase exclaimed. "Heheh yay"
AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES, we all yelled at the same time laughing.

I'm so thankful for these whores, it's crazy.

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